We started Control Your Cash for one reason:
Your relationship with money is almost certainly dysfunctional. You don’t know what you don’t know, probably because nobody ever taught you.
Fortunately, you can stop letting money act on you – and actually take charge of it.
We don't give patently obvious advice here, stuff like "spend less than you make." (Wow, what insight.)
Instead, we show you what pitfalls to avoid and what quiet opportunities to take advantage of. Spend a little time here and you’ll no longer have to pretend that you know what the S&P 500 is. Or whether a Roth IRA is better than a traditional one. You’ll understand the why, and the how.
And you’ll find that personal finance is a lot less complicated than you thought.
The Latest
The Best Alternatives to a 401(k)
The well of creativity is barely a trickle at this point. Our muse went to St. Tropez with someone younger and better-looking, and that was months ago. Is she ever coming back? We’ll leave a light on. Spend more time at the gym. Buy more flattering clothes. Vacuum the house once in a while. Damn, […]

Carnival of Wealth, Back from the Dead Edition
If you missed last week’s Carnival of Wealth…well, you weren’t the only one. First, the excuse: we use a couple of hosting services to organize the carnival submissions for us. One of those services has been down for a while now, the other one takes submissions and watches them disappear into the ether. So […]
An Investopedia Repost About Lockouts and Such
From our Investopedia files, a piece about sports labor strife. Which doesn’t pertain to your life unless you’re an athlete, an agent, or maybe a team owner, but it’s an entertaining read. Trust us, we wrote it. Here’s an enticing sample: By 2011, pro football had metamorphosed from popular sport into national obsession. That spring, […]

Carnival of Wealth, Andrew Pohl Edition
That’s the problem with being selective. You accept only the good submissions, or the stupendously awful ones, and pretty soon the number of submitters dwindles to a trickle. Presenting another edition of the Carnival of Wealth, the only personal finance blog carnival worth a damn. Even with only 2 submitters. One of whom is […]
From the Archives

3 Investments for the next decade
Disclaimer: Posting in list form is for the lazy and the epistolarily challenged. However, in an attempt to get more readers than the tens of thousands who already stop at Control Your Cash regularly, we’re following the edicts laid down by the people at ProBlogger. They recommend a different daily exercise for a month. Today […]

Don’t Drown In Sunk Costs
It’s amazing how many people will congratulate themselves for such money-saving machinations as calling the cable or phone company to get their monthly bills reduced by a buck or two, yet won’t expend similar effort to save themselves tens of thousands. Here’s an example: You borrowed $200,000 to finance your house 5 years ago […]

Mail Pouch
We’d call it a mailbag, but it features only one question. Here it is, barely edited: Believe it or not, this is a real question (unlike what you find twice a week in The Simple Dollar’s mailbags), and one I haven’t been able to find an answer to thus far. The situation: my wife and […]

How To Make An Effective $1200 An Hour
We haven’t done a story with a misleading headline in a while. So here’s one, in Yahoo! News and Drudge Report fashion. You’re not going to make $1200 an hour doing this, but you could make $200 in 10 minutes. Or, more accurately, not lose $200 in 10 minutes. It’s a post about how […]