A Message To Financial Professionals

“Yeah, yeah. Keep talking. I’m listening.”


Specifically, ones who submit to the Carnival of Wealth.

Dude, look at you in your Paul Fredrick shirt and snappy tie. Nothing personal, but writing isn’t your forte. Either farm that out, or learn to communicate.

We received a post from Scott Skyles at Mortgage 1a for Monday’s CoW. It’s got a valid and helpful point or two, but expecting readers to mine them out of the dross that surrounds them was too much work. Plus Mr. Skyles finds some industry terms necessary to define, but not others, with no apparent consistency.

Instead of being just another entrant in the CoW, this warranted its own, follow-up post. Here’s our CYC version of Scott’s explanation of the difference between FHA vs. conventional mortgages, followed by the impenetrable original, followed by our comments.

Should you get a mortgage backed by the Federal Housing Association, or a conventional one not insured by the federal government?

With the latter, you’ll have to put up 1/5 of the purchase price. You can put up less, but you’ll have to pay something called private mortgage insurance every month until you’ve paid off 1/5 of the principal.

With an FHA loan, you can put down as little as 3½%. The tradeoff is that you still have to pay the FHA’s version of private mortgage insurance, either for 5 years or until you’ve paid off 22% of the appraised value – whichever comes later.

And now, Mr. Skyles’s original:

While conventional and FHA (Federal Housing Association) mortgages have some similarities, there are distinct differences between the two and it is important for anyone who is considering taking out a mortgage to understand the differences in order to borrow in a way that best suits their specific financial and home buying needs.

Conventional Mortgages

A conventional mortgage is defined as any type of mortgage that is not insured by the Federal Government. Conventional mortgages are offered by credit unions, banks, and mortgage companies and brokers. The largest secondary market organizations that offer conventional mortgages are Freddie Mac and Fannie May. Conventional mortgages will usually require a down payment of around 20 %, but in today’s real estate and mortgage market, there are programs that may allow for a lower down payment if the borrower meets certain qualifying criteria.

With conventional mortgages, borrowers that are allowed a lower down payment are required to pay private mortgage insurance, also known as PMI. Once their loan-to-value amount is under 80%, they are no longer required to pay PMI insurance. It sounds complicated, but it is actually quite simple, as the LTV can decrease as the mortgage is paid down, as well as if the value of the home increases during the length of the loan. Conventional mortgages also take a borrower’s credit very seriously. In today’s market, if a credit score has blemishes or considered a possible risk, their application could be turned down.

FHA Mortgages

The FHA is not a direct lender, so their terms and conditions differ as far as credit and insurance. They insure FHA- approved lenders, and they are very specific about their terms. They take a classic approach to lending and they do not offer boutique loans. FHA-approved lenders are restricted to offering fixed rate loans, and the adjustable rate mortgages that they do offer are very conservative, which allows home buyers to easily understand their mortgage terms and manage their payments and insurance accordingly. For the first five years of an FHA loan, the borrower is charged an insurance premium that is added to their monthly payment. This payment is required until the borrower’s LTV decreases by at least 78%.

The down payment required for an FHA mortgage can be as low as 3.5 %, and the lenders also make their final lending decision using the “old fashioned” standards. Credit is still a consideration, but an FHA lender will also consider employment and rental payment history as part of the borrower’s profile. They will also give the borrower a chance to explain why their credit score may be less than satisfactory. FHA lenders consider the whole package, and this can be very helpful for first time home buyers, as well as anyone who may have experienced a run of bad luck due to the troubled economy.

Making an Informed Decision

While conventional and FHA loans both offer reasonable terms, it is ultimately up to the borrower to decide on the best type of mortgage to suit their specific needs. Buying a home is a big step, and it is important for borrowers to be educated on their options before signing on the dotted line. First time home buyers may benefit by consulting with a financial expert who can advise them on the various specifics of the two mortgage programs, and it may also be helpful to consult with a knowledgeable real estate agent or broker. By taking the time to weigh out the differences, home buyers can make an informed decision on their borrowing options.

You still awake? Of course you aren’t.

We shrank that to 1/6 of its original size and didn’t lose anything. This is why most people find personal finance and related topics so freaking boring. Most of the people who fancy themselves experts in the field couldn’t convey a thought to save their lives.

Which is why you should buy our book. 326 easy-to-read and informative pages that start with the assumption that you’re smart and value your time, but that you know nothing about money. We start with your standard checking account, and by the time you get to the end you’ll know

  • How to do your taxes
  • How to do your taxes without getting screwed, which is something quite different
  • How to invest, buy stocks, buy mutual funds, buy a car, buy a house, finance house, and more
  • How to start your own business so that you’re not at the mercy of some soulless boss who will shove you out the door the moment you become less profitable than a replacement might be.

No interminable paragraphs, we promise. Order it on our site (link up and to the right) and we’ll throw in one of our killer ebooks, too.

College Is Too Cheap

You can tell when someone’s speaking from the heart from the size of his index card


UPDATE, 10/17/12: In our haste to post this, we missed some details. Reader Brad Hutchings points out that the subject of our post studies exercise science at Adelphi University.


Yes, too cheap. If it were more expensive, say 3 times as much across the board, maybe people would then step back and ask themselves the education cost-benefit question they’ve been avoiding all these years.


Against our better judgment, yesterday we watched an uncomfortable-looking Statistic (his name escapes us) ask the two men vying for the presidency a question related to the price and importance of college. (Every American should have the opportunity to go to college, don’t you know.)

As a 20-year-old college student, all I hear from professors, neighbors and others is that when I graduate, I will have little chance to get employment. What can you say to reassure me, or more importantly my parents, that I will be able to sufficiently support myself after I graduate?

Because both men want to get elected, they each delivered a variation on “You worked hard, you deserve a good job, college should be more affordable for all Americans, and my 5-point plan will ensure that…” It’ll ensure that our attention switches to the competing baseball game on another network, is what it’ll do.

Neither Mitt Romney nor President Obama asked the awkward and uncomfortable young man with the bad posture any of the following questions:

  • What are you majoring in?
  • What are your grades?
  • Can you read and write, or if I go on your Facebook page will I see a grammatical killing field?
  • Are you grinding, or do you drink a lot and smoke a lot of pot?
  • No, seriously. Come on. You get drunk a couple nights a week, don’t you?

But the candidates didn’t even have to respond to the question with questions of their own. They could have been more direct:

“I can’t. I’d like to think that the job market will improve by the time you graduate, but your future employment is not my concern. Honestly, it’s not. It’s your concern. And your parents’, it seems, but if you want to be an adult entrusted with the responsibility of voting then maybe you should be standing on your own.

“Kid, the real world is unforgiving. 8% of Americans are out of work, thus 92% have jobs. The odds are in your favor. Lots of people in your graduating class are going to get hired. The ones who don’t are going to be the least employable ones.

“So, all this reduces to whether you’re hirable. You obviously don’t have any real world experience, so it’s going to take grades and specialized knowledge to make money.

“You’re probably a liberal arts student. No, that’s not a comment on your nebbishness and your demeanor. Nor is the word ‘nebbishness’ a comment on your palpable Judaism. The reason I think you’re a liberal arts student is that you’re worried about your future. Go ask the kids majoring in engineering and math if they’re concerned about getting hired. It’s like the old joke, ‘What do you call the guy who graduates at the bottom of his med school class?’ ‘Doctor.’

“So let’s assume you’re majoring in English, sociology, something like that. Then you’re screwed. But I’m older and smarter than you, and I live a pretty comfortable life, so I must know a little something about this. Listen to my advice. You’re almost certainly not going to act on it, but at least I’ll have answered your question.

“Get out. Get out now. Drop out of school immediately. You go to school where, Hofstra? That’s like $32,000 a year. Drop out and find yourself a trade school. There’s one in Chicago that practically guarantees its students jobs. These students are getting hired before they graduate.

“The catch is that you have to give up on your dream of being a professional nothing-in-particular, and commit to something more concrete. The kids in question are getting hired as machinists. You don’t appear to be the kind of person who likes working with his hands, but as you pointed out, the job market is rotten. And the most satisfying lives are often the ones that diverge from the original plan.

“Best of all, it costs next to nothing to go to that school. $89 per credit hour for people who live in the district. You’re from Long Island, so you can probably find a similar and similarly priced college close to home. Hell, you can live with your parents. Work part-time to cover the $89 per credit hour, and you can emerge from this with

  • No debt
  • A well-paying job waiting for you.

Conservatively speaking you could make $45,000 out of the gate, and tons beyond that with overtime. After a couple years, you’ll be making a lot more.

I’ll say this again: you’ll be carrying zero debt, notwithstanding what your parents have already thrown away on college tuition. Read the example from the guy at the end of that last story, the father with a son who’s a budding machinist and a daughter who’s a teacher with a 4-year education degree. Her student loan debt is 15 months’ wages.

But yeah, the son’s collar is blue. And he never had the ‘opportunity’ to go to college. So he’s the loser in this scenario, by some crazy measure. Meanwhile his sister will be in debt for the rest of her life. Well, maybe not her life. But even with the most diligent financial planning – which she hasn’t exactly executed up until this point – it’ll take her at least 5 years to pay off those student loans. After that, she’ll be…a teacher. Not a profession with a lot of room for financial growth.

That, or you could fix airplanes or learn to operate machine tools. You know, actually make tangible stuff with a tangible benefit. Get rewarded handsomely, if not richly, and make yourself employable for life. And, one more time, no debt. Believe me, personal debt will affect every step you take as an adult. The deeper it goes, the worse it’ll get for you. Avoid or minimize it now, and you’ll breathe that much more freely than your counterparts. You’ll be able to build future wealth – investments, etc. – that the Hofstra anthropology class of ’14 won’t be able to. Because they’ll still be paying down student loans while working service jobs.

Does that answer your question?”