Guest Post – The University in the Desert

If you own any of these books, you’re in the 99.9%.


It’s as rare as a Venezuelan gold medal – a guest post that meets all our guidelines. Today we welcome W from Off-Road Finance, a regular contributor to the Carnival of Wealth and one of the few personal finance bloggers who has anything interesting to say. No further introduction needed:

I’m lost and have gone to look for myself. If I should get back before I return, please ask me to wait.
note on a university message board

Somewhere along the way we change from relatively useless and undifferentiated kids into adults. We become someone. If you happen to be around a person you’re not likely to offend, do a little experiment: ask them to describe who they are. Chances are you’ll get a list of descriptions: for example, I’m a husband, engineer, trader, Christian, musician, blogger, cook and rock climber. From that list you could get a reasonable picture of how I spend my hours in a week.

But let me suggest something: you know almost nothing about me, as a person, by reading that list. There’s too much there. Am I a mad rock climber who trades and takes the occasional engineering gig to keep myself in rock shoes and gas for my Wrangler? No. I’m kind of a half-assed climber. You could turn my description around, make any given element primary, and generate a bunch of different “people” who would bear little resemblance to one another or me. Let me suggest a much better question than who you are:

What mind do you bring to the problem? This is one of those deep Zen questions. When faced with an arbitrary problem, do you use the mind of a rock climber? That of a musician? Clearly they have different approaches to problems, and not just those that fall in their respective fields. You’d expect differences in approach on everything from risk to creativity.

Different minds. This gets around the problem of multiple descriptors and closes in on who someone really is. Some minds are better at some things than others. The rock climbing mind is fine for hang gliding too. It might not be so good for knitting. I’d bet that the best knitters do not have rock climber minds. That’s not just a figure of speech – I’d wager meaningful money on it. Why?

Because the mind I bring to almost every problem by default is the mind of a gambler. In this, I am unusual. Millions of Americans gamble in some fashion. But essentially none of them have the mind of a gambler, any more than most Porsche owners are GT2 drivers. For the bulk of people gambling is a diversion, a form of entertainment, or an addiction; but it isn’t their way of thinking. I’d guess only a few hundred, perhaps a few thousand, Americans are of the gambling mind. I’ll call these people pro gamblers. That doesn’t mean they make their living by gambling necessarily. (Many, including me, don’t.) Rather, it means they’re mentally equipped to do so. There’s a wide gulf between the pros and those punters at the slot machines in Vegas casinos.

For starters, the pros are interested in the few games at which it’s possible to profit via skill. That means poker, sports betting, and some forms of blackjack. There are also a few good but nearly dead games that crop up – gin, backgammon, dominoes etc. Just as notable is what’s not on the list: slots, craps, roulette, baccarat, any table game other than blackjack, and of course keno (the game with the worst odds in the casino). The pros have all put substantial effort into learning to play at least one of the “good” games. While doing so, the pros develop the gambling mindset. It’s easy to recognize when I meet another pro, but hard to describe. Some of the characteristics:

  • a keen sense of the dollar value and odds associated with various gambling decisions
  • a tendency to view most decisions outside the gambling realm as gambling decisions
  • relative indifference to money
  • intelligence & fast mental math (not that gambling makes you intelligent – rather, stupid people will inevitably fail)
  • a desire to achieve a very high level of skill at their chosen game(s)
  • a strong individualist streak
  • an innate suspicion that others don’t have your best interests at heart. This translates, in most cases, to near-immunity to scams and cons
  • a fierce competitive streak
  • what I’ll call “exploitative empathy” – the ability to get inside other people’s heads, understand whether their position is weak or strong, and use that information
  • contempt for stupidity
  • a weird mix of targeted mental productivity and laziness – it’s a hard way to make an easy living
  • a dry, sarcastic, deadpan sense of humor.

I learned the gambling mindset around the poker table, first in college and then in Las Vegas. A couple of times a year I fly back to Vegas, now with my wife in tow. It’s one of those salmon-returning-to-the-spawning-grounds sort of things.* Spend a little time sitting at the table with the scumbags shooting the breeze about sports, and then taking their money. Plus, the drinks are free. Ahh, that’s the life 🙂

The most recent of these trips was last month. I usually go on the 4th of July week, plus another random long weekend. At the risk of tooting my own horn, the gambling mindset is one of, if not the best, for operating in the financial world. It’s not great for everything – I’ll give an example – but when it comes to making money I don’t think anything comes close. Those first two bullets equate to a better understanding of risk and reward than any other mindset I can think of.

Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks this, because for the last decade major financial institutions have quietly recruited pro gamblers for their top trading desks. Of course that’s not the sort of thing the institutions want to tell Congress or regulators about, but then the SEC wouldn’t know a gambler if they saw one. (The SEC has the bureaucrat mind, in spades).

There’s a cost that goes with the gambler mindset. It’s hard on personal relationships, especially romantic ones. Who wants to date or marry a suspicious, exploitatively empathic person who views your relationship as a gamble? Apparently at least one person, because I’m still happily married.

I do have to tone down my gambler tendencies when dealing with people I like. So now I’m going to make an odd recommendation. The CYC principals said they didn’t mind if I wrote for a tiny audience, so now I’m going to speak to .1% of the people reading this. If you recognize a bit of yourself in my description of the gambling mindset, are young, and haven’t decided what to do with your life, take a reasonable fraction of your net worth and fly to Vegas. Enroll in that great university in the desert. Learn to beat one of the “good” games above (I suggest poker for starters.)

For 99.9% of the population, this would be a retard move. For the other .1%, it’s the only smart move. Not that you should stay a gambler. Just learn the mindset, and leave when the time seems right. You’ll be way ahead of the game for life. Meanwhile, the former money of a bunch of crappy Bellagio 20-40 and 40-80 players will be flying the wife and me to Hawai’i next month. There are tangible benefits to this gambling thing.


*Ed. note: W does not return to Vegas to lay eggs and then die.

One More Time: Temporary Setback = Opportunity.

It’s a knight! In shining armor! Get it? Do we have to explain everything to you?

Last week we wrote about the meteor that landed on Knight Capital. If you can’t be bothered to read that post, the New York Stock Exchange’s biggest market maker endured a computer glitch that resulted in the company losing $440 million. Knight fell victim to a singular event (at least one wag actually used the term “black swan”), shrank to a third of its size overnight, and looked like it might not survive the week.

Here we have a company that

  • Provides a valuable service.
  • Is the market leader, more or less.
  • Has a solid reputation.
  • Suffered a temporary, non-lethal, inadvertent misfortune, as opposed to doing something villainous.

Knight’s stock (KCG) opened trading at $10.33 last Wednesday. The software flaw showed up immediately and was contained within 45 minutes. KCG closed the day at $6.93, opened the next morning at $3.48, reached a nadir of $2.43 late in the afternoon, and closed at $2.59.

This is what’s called a buying opportunity. KCG opened the following Friday at $3.11, closed at $4.05, and on Sunday received the $400 million cash infusion it needed to stay alive.

Who loaned them the money?

  • TD Ameritrade, one of Knight’s biggest clients.
  • Stifel Nicolas, a brokerage that sounds faintly Swiss but is actually based out of St. Louis.
  • Blackstone Group, a private equity firm.
  • General Atlantic, another private equity firm and owner of Getco (Global Electronic Trading Company), another market maker, one of 6 firms designated as such by the NYSE.
  • 2 unnamed investors, probably selfish capitalists like that job-killing tax cheat Mitt Romney.

The money comes with strings attached, of course. The lenders received something called “convertible securities”, which are bonds that will turn into stock at a certain undisclosed price. The 4 disclosed lifeguards and Mystery Firms E and F don’t make it a habit of lending money without it offering the likelihood of decent return, especially when forced to make a decision with only 2 days’ notice.

While we don’t know many more details of the deal, including the strike price of those convertible securities, the consensus belief is that it’s less than the $4.05 Knight stock ended the week at.

Here’s the type of reasoned response that makes the consistently under-water easy to distinguish from the enterprising few. From the LA Times story on Knight:

Not that internet comments are ever going to be a source of any usable knowledge, but it’s probably fair to say that COOLTUB and Highpressure’s opinions are not out of the mainstream.

The easy, effortless, simplistic, reactionary and false way to look at the Knight capital infusion is as fat cats covering for each other. The first commenter seems to think either that federal taxpayers are cutting a check to Knight, or that there isn’t a difference between that and private capital.

We don’t want to assume anything, but we’re guessing that when Magic Johnson and a handful of rich white financiers recently did the exact same thing for the Los Angeles Dodgers, COOLTUB and Highpressure were ecstatic about it.

Don’t be an idiot. How can you compare the two? The Dodgers as a team are a community icon, not just a bunch of rich guys shuffling paper.

No, they’re a bunch of rich guys swinging bats and fielding balls. The Dodgers pay an average of $3,171,452 to their top 25 employees. We don’t have a similar figure for Knight, but it’s almost certainly less.

We’re getting off track here, and we swear we didn’t start this post intending for it to turn into a sports analogy. But it’s important to remember that when a legitimate business that provides a benefit to society (in the form of liquidity) gets smacked in the mouth, it’s a chance for a sharp investor to make some money. If Knight had been charged with fraud, that’d be something vastly different, and inapplicable here.

Maybe you’re tentative, and still don’t think KCG is a good buy. Or you’re not familiar enough with the company’s stock in trade to take a position. Fine. Look around you and you’ll see opportunities daily. Seriously, daily. The local business that needs cash to expand and is looking for a silent partner. The overextended homeowner, or car owner, desperate to sell. The stock of the company that recently underwent an even less traumatic event than Knight did. (Read and Yahoo! Finance, just for a few minutes a day at the start. Think of it as unmarked course work for your future career in self-determination.)

You can get past the initial reluctance, the thought of “The markets? Not for me. Nothing more demanding than a conservative mutual fund in my company-directed 401(k), thanks very much.” Really, you can.

Or you can just assume that your job and its annual cost-of-living raises will help you build wealth as convincingly as seizing opportunities will. Whatever.