Best of Money Carnival, #161

Each finalist gets to wear a Best of Money Carnival uniform


If you’re looking for the Carnival of Wealth, you’re going to have to sit tight until Wednesday.

If, on the other hand, you’re looking for the different-in-content but similar-in-form Best of Money Carnival, here ‘tis. We’re guest hosting, and you’re going to love it.

The Best of Money Carnival is the intellectual progeny of Free Money Finance, and it’s wonderful. Why? Elitism and discrimination, that’s why. The BoMC takes even fewer entrants than this blog’s regularly scheduled Monday carnival does. Dozens upon dozens apply, but only 10 make the final cut. That’s how Mr. FMF likes it, and that’s the dictum we’ve sworn to uphold. So here, in dramatic countdown fashion, are the finest 10 posts we saw this week. Mercifully, most of the submissions were chaff so it was easy to pick 10 good ones. Plus, we’re excited because this is the first time we’ve been asked to host someone else’s carnival since the guy at the Yakezie Carnival asked us to months in advance, then with 72 hours’ notice used an intermediary to tell us that he’d changed his mind. Anyhow, here’s the BoMC. Enjoy:

10. If you don’t read 101 Centavos, you’re missing out. An engaging personal finance blogger who can spell and punctuate? And who has opinions instead of regurgitations? Indeed. This week, that site’s mysterious namesake explains what common financial wisdom is actually so much folklore. BONUS: He uses “snoped” (past tense of “snope”, presumably) as a verb. Never seen that before. When you’re good, you can bend the rules.

9. Neal Frankle of Wealth Pilgrim claims that women make better investors than men. Gals, that means you can now unbunch your panties in the aftermath of Adam Carolla saying last week that men are funnier than women. (Which, by the way, barely counts as an observation. It’s like saying that men make better NFL players than women do.)

While we’re at it, women also make better engineers, scientists, mathematicians and navigators than men do, too. In fact, just the other day we met a woman who correctly pointed north on just her third attempt.

8. Odysseas Papadimitriou at Wallet Blog lists everything you need to do in the event that you lose your wallet. A few of his recommendations aren’t necessarily obvious. Also, “if your keys are missing, you should also change your locks.” Not sure why, we’ll get our crack research team on that. (And if you’re dumb enough to list your passwords on a piece of paper in said wallet, as Odysseas posits, you deserve to lose it.)

7. Occasionally, all we need is the headline to qualify a submission for the top 10. Luke at Learn Bonds pulled that off this week in style, with a bold proposition that’s garnering more and more devotees as our economy continues to get rectally violated by a Treasury Department and a Federal Reserve Board Chairman beholden to someone other than their customers, us. Ron Paul’s fans used it as a rallying cry, Learn Bonds is using it as a blog post. End the Fed. Today.

6. John Kiernan at CardHub is another blogger who’s consistently money, week in and week out. This week he explains how big banks, their hands tied by regulation passed in response to bank customers not knowing how to handle their money, are going to new and exciting lengths to profit. They use such nefarious means as “payment protection”, which you have to read about to believe and which sounds preposterous from both ends – that banks would have the gall to offer it, and that customers would be dumb enough to “take advantage” of same. READ THE FREAKING AGREEMENT. That would solve 99% of the problems in the world.

5. This post isn’t revolutionary, it has little do it with its site’s name and ostensible field of interest, and on top of that it’s Canadian, but we loved the premise so much we had to include it. From Janet at Credit Cards Canada comes an argument that getting an apprenticeship is more valuable than getting a college education.

She could not be more correct. Unless you’re going to college (or as our northern friends say, to “university”) to learn the hard sciences, whether pure or applied, you’re wasting your and everybody else’s time. Throw a dart, preferably a poison-tipped one, and hit a random personal finance blogger. Chances are he (or she) will lament and publicize the avalanche of debt he accrued while studying English literature or philosophy. “My student loan balance is $69,348, which is down from $71,324. Yay me!” Whoever you are, your degree is probably useless. Your high school diploma is too – some of the dimmer bulbs among us like to joke about how they’ll never need to determine congruent angles or tell you how many stable isotopes fluorine has. But the high school diploma, you didn’t pay for. The college degree you did, and therefore have to justify. Whatever makes you feel smart, which is why most people go to college in the first place. That, and to defer real life. Check the Control Your Cash archives for more pontificating and grandstanding on education.

4. Got rejected for a home loan? Ha ha, sucker! If you’re determined to not take “no” for an answer, there is a workaround. Ben Demeter at Credit Card Assist espouses the wonders of “alternative credit”, by which lenders look less at your credit score and more at your ability to, you know, actually pay your bills on time. (Frankly, why shouldn’t your payments to the Lucchese family count at least as much as such minor criteria as the number of credit card accounts you have open? Paying a Mafia boss on time shows that you’ve learned how to budget properly and prioritize.)

3. Investing in consumer debt? No, this isn’t the same as lending money to your alcoholic deadbeat brother. Eliza Collins at Work Save Live has a better idea. P2P lending, which can pay excellent returns if you’re diligent about whom you lend to.

2. Did you know that your “local” credit union has tentacles that can stretch across the country? In other words, they’re just like those big nasty leviathan banks they love to contrast themselves with. Louis Garner at WalletHub has the details, explaining how cooperative networks operate and how they can benefit you.

1. If you have at least a 5th-grader’s understanding of grammar, you’ll probably make the 10 finalists. If you have a contrarian opinion that you can back up with data, you’ll move even higher. Thus Robert at The College Investor, who looks at the investment potential of…Zynga.

The FarmVille people? Seriously? 

We were skeptical too, especially given how much money it’s lost since its IPO, but as Robert points out:

There are billions of dollars to be found somewhere in corporate filings at any given time. It just requires digging. Lots and lots of digging.

We talk about this exact topic in our e-book, The Unglamorous Secret to Riches. (Available now! For 3 measly dollars!) Your investment strategy needs to advance a little past “OMG FACEBOOK I SAW THE MOVIE I WANT IT” for you to build lasting wealth. (Damn, we just gave you the synopsis of the e-book and ruined the “secret”. Oh well.) Robert maintains that temporarily wounded stock prices can often rebound and then some, especially when the company’s underlying business has essentially zero marginal costs. You read it here first.


And we’re done. Thanks for coming, and thanks to the 234 rejected submitters who wrote about how to budget, and the 1,178 others who shared their first-person stories about struggling to get out of debt. Maybe one day we’ll get a post about how it’s important to set up an emergency fund.

The Carnival of Wealth will be here Wednesday, we’ll have another blog post Friday, and we’ll be on Investopedia (and Forbes, and Yahoo! Finance whenever those sites’ editors can fit us in.) Money Wise Pastor will host next week’s Best of Money Carnival. ‘Til then.

Control Your Cash’s 6 Axioms For Building Wealth And Thus Saving You The Trouble Of Buying Our Book.


Why is he smiling? No debt. You should be so diligent.


We’re going to go an entire week without writing about what a waste a college education (almost always) is. Don’t worry, we’ll beat that drum again soon enough, probably next Wednesday.

It’s time for us to embrace that old standby of the uninspired blogger – the list post! 5 Ways to Save At The Grocery Store. 8 Financial Mistakes First-Time Parents Make. 17 Cheap Graduation Gifts. 432 Tired Ways To Write A Blog Post.

We’ll call this one Control Your Cash’s 6 Axioms For Building Wealth And Thus Saving You The Trouble Of Buying Our Book.

1. Don’t Have A Budget, Have A Ledger.

Creating a household budget is a waste of time. If you earmark $423 for groceries in a given month, and you’re at $454 with 2 days to go, are you going to starve yourself just to prove a point?

Or, if you happen to be under budget as the month is ending, then what? Do you replace the tilapia in your cart with Chinook salmon just because your numbers allow you to? Even if you’d rather eat tilapia?

We hear this constantly: “I can’t believe how big my VISA bill is. What happened? There must be some sort of mistake.” But VISA didn’t make a mistake. You did. You bought too much and you didn’t think about how you were going to pay for it.

Have a ledger means be conscious of every dollar you’re spending. Track them. There are smartphone apps for this, Mint has a good one. Don’t have a smartphone? Buy a pocketbook, they’re like 49¢ or something. Doing this eliminates the possibility of seemingly insurmountable expenses “creeping up on you”. They can’t, not if you know that they’re coming. Even if you’re not so meticulous that you enter every expense in said app, that monthly credit card statement should never, ever make your jaw drop.

2. Stop rationalizing.

You really wanted that Croatian vacation and/or theme wedding? You feel like you’re entitled because you hate your job and your mom’s being a bitch? Wow. It’s like you and we are different species.

Your finances should be the least emotional facet of your existence. Save the emotion for the non-financial parts of your life.

It’s fine to want (and even to buy) extravagant stuff. An otherwise prudent friend of ours dropped $2,462.35 for a couple of nosebleed seats to Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Final. A lifelong L.A. Kings fan (a legitimate one, not a bandwagoner), it was perhaps his only-ever chance to see his team clinch the Stanley Cup at home.

They lost. No big deal, they ended up winning the Cup anyway, but our friend didn’t get to watch the clinching moment live. (Had he wanted to, he could have spent a similar amount, probably a little more, for tickets to Game 6. And flown across the country for Game 5, just to cover every base.)

Was that a waste of $2,462.35? Maybe to us, but not to him. This story isn’t an argument for spending extravagant amounts on ephemeral things. Our friend is a smart guy with a big cushion who could withstand the loss. He weighed the risk of the New Jersey Devils winning, paid cash, and still enjoyed 3 hours’ worth of Stanley Cup Final action. He’s not going to be spending the next 7 years financing his tickets at 19.9% interest, which would be unequivocally dumb.

3. Unless you’re going to major in the hardest of hard sciences, pure or applied, or possibly in corporate finance, don’t go to college.

Sorry, we had to mention it. We’ve broken it down in greater detail before, but not only is college a colossal financial expenditure, it’s an enormous time commitment. 4 years of your life and tens of thousands of your (or your parents’, or the taxpayers’) dollars? So you can spend decades paying off the loans? Which brings us to our next point:

4. Only incur debt if you have a plan behind it. A plan that pencils out.

Borrowing $200,000 might sound like a bad idea in and of itself, but what are you borrowing it for? To have a stable place to live for a fixed period (and simultaneously avoid paying rent)? Going into debt to buy a house makes sense, most of the time. Look at the alternatives. Borrowing money might set off a frugality switch in your head, but would you rather spend 30 years renting and knowing that you won’t recoup a penny of your housing costs? While enriching the person who does own the place where you live?

And that’s shelter: as high as #2 on the hit parade of necessities behind food, maybe #3 behind clothing unless you live in the tropics.

Incurring debt for other reasons is – we’re running out of synonyms for “idiotic”. All your life, you dreamed of having a storybook wedding. Great. Do you want to spend the next 10 years paying off one memorable afternoon?

Some people are going to take that literally. Of course no one wants to spend an extended period paying for something fleeting (and that has a 50% chance of ending in failure), but if you incur the expense, you have to pay it. We come out of the womb understanding this inherently, but the sophisticated and rationalizing brain knows better.

5. Look at each transaction from the other party’s perspective.

Your humble blogger had a (dumb) high school finance teacher who believed that for someone to make money, someone else had to lose money. Were that true, it would mean that all of human civilization has been one big zero-sum game. And that the accumulation of wealth in the world today – all the ocean freighters, skyscrapers, communications satellites, power plants etc. – is no greater than it was when the only items of value in existence were Smilodon pelts.

Not to turn this into an Economics 101 lecture, but exchanges benefit everyone. However, they don’t necessarily benefit everyone uniformly. Sometimes you run into a seller who’s desperate to do a deal, or a buyer with the same problem. In that case, enjoy your bargain. Other times, the one who needs to make a deal and has time or other circumstances working against him is…you. Don’t be that person.

6, the big one. Buy assets, sell liabilities.

Do this consistently and you’ll build wealth no matter how stupid or lazy you are.

401(k) contributions are assets, defining them as we do as something that will help your wealth grow. Extravagant dinners are liabilities.

We should elaborate. You can’t sell extravagant dinners unless you own the restaurant, but from a consumer’s perspective you can avoid buying them.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t cut loose and enjoy what life has to offer, every once in a while. It just means that if you do so, you’ll be forgoing future wealth and investment potential. You need to weigh this stuff, assess it intelligently. Don’t buy what you can’t afford, which is so fundamental it barely counts as advice. Mark Zuckerberg gets to spend more than you do. No offense, but at least at this point he’s entitled to more Caribbean cruises and country club memberships than you are.

But don’t fret. In turn, you get to spend more than that hobo who stands on the street corner every morning.

Unless you’re in debt. Then the hobo (assuming his net worth is 0) gets to spend more than you.


If you read that last couple of paragraphs and your internal monologue is:

“Who are they to tell me what to do? I deserve it. Life’s too short”,

send us a request and we’ll fix it so that your IP can’t access our site anymore.

There are a million analogies we could make here, but people hate to face reality. If you want to spend profligately, and then complain about your financial situation, you’re no different than a chain-smoker who considers it a random tear in the cosmos that he’s the unlucky stiff who ended up with lung cancer.

One more time: build assets. Sell liabilities. Get in the other person’s head. Attack debt like the household pest it is. Don’t take on expenses with only an unformed (and uninformed) idea of how you’ll profit from them. And buy our book.