How to Get Free Drugs

PRESCRIPTION drugs, douchebag.

Prescription drugs, jackball.


If you haven’t done your national duty and signed up for government-mandated health care, a) get back in line, prole but 2) read this first. You can game the system for hundreds of dollars.

We’re not going to discuss the inherent instability of ObamaCare, nor how it was designed to fail so it could be the first step to the inevitability of pure socialized medicine. Hell, you people are the ones who voted for it, not us. Nor are we going to explain how cumbersome, inconsistent, sclerotic and self-contradictory the process of submitting to your bettors and purchasing government-approved insurance is. We already did that, and it hasn’t gotten any better. Click on the link, but we’ll repeat the most ominous line from the ObamaCare user agreement here:

This system and equipment are subject to monitoring to ensure proper performance of applicable security features or procedures. Such monitoring may result in the acquisition, recording and analysis of all data being communicated, transmitted, processed or stored in this system by a user. If monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, such evidence may be provided to Law Enforcement Personnel.


Caps in the original.

Our state, Nevada, has given most-favored-insurer status to Culinary Workers Union Local 226, the local Marxists and the creators of the state health exchange. Unions still wield considerable power in the Sagebrush State, due to it having high demand for workers who shut up and do what they’re told without any actual skills getting in the way (coffee servers, roulette dealers, etc.)

So, a young and fit Control Your Cash principal with a grand total of zero major and one minor health problems (easily controlled hypertension) avoided the fine and bought hisself a policy. On the surface, the math doesn’t seem to work out:

The policy is $311 a month, with an obscene $6250 annual deductible. A free market being the last thing you’d want in the purchase and sale of health insurance, that was the least bad policy among the 11 offered. Every last one of those policies includes maternity coverage, despite its sole insured being a) male, 2) pedophobic and iii) permanently sterile. Still, you never know when a guy might wake up one morning and find himself with functioning and fertile ovaries.

(Aside: The user-unfriendliness of the state exchange sites is a given, but what we found especially vexing was what the creators assume about the users’ knowledge. Our own state’s site includes the Frequently Asked Question “What is insurance?”, implying that they’re writing this for the lowest common passably literate denominator. Okay, fine. But the very same site then offers “gold”, “silver” and “bronze” plans, introducing new terms without explaining what the differences among them are. Your only hope is to open a few dozen browser windows and compare one plan to another line-by-line. Our state also offers “catastrophic” beside the precious metal descriptors; we incorrectly assumed that such a policy would cover only, you know, catastrophes. Like broken legs and ruptured spleens. But no, it’s as comprehensive as the platinum plans.)

It’d seem to make more sense to suck it up and pay the $95 fine to the IRS, rather than commit to between $3732 and $6250 in medical spending over the next year. (Because it’s the Affordable Care Act, remember?) One problem, however. The drugs.

The hypertension is controlled with a gift from the greatest corporation on Earth, Novartis. They make a pharmaceutical that completely eradicates the insufferable, debilitating headaches that used to show up regularly and portended a stroke. As far as we’re concerned, the $9 billion Novartis made last year wasn’t nearly as much as they deserved. But such a wonder drug ain’t cheap. Ten bucks a day.

You can either whine about governmental incompetence, or you can use it to your advantage. Drug retailer Walgreens issued a press release on December 30 (a/k/a “United States citizens’ penultimate day of health care freedom) that preempted or at least postponed the deluge:

Walgreens to Provide Up to 30-Day Prescription Supply at No Upfront Cost for Public Health Insurance Marketplace Enrollees Who Have Not Been Assigned an Identification Number

The release was written by a public relations hack, which means it’s 20 times longer than it needs to be, so here’s its only relevant sentence:

Through the end of January, patients can bring confirmation of their enrollment in the public health insurance marketplace to a Walgreens pharmacy, or the pharmacy staff can check to verify eligibility, and Walgreens will assist them by providing up to a month of a traditional, brand and generic medication (sic) at no upfront cost.

We tried this, and it freaking worked. Did we mention that the public health insurance marketplace in question might not even demand your first payment for a month or two? Buy a policy now, in any state, and chances are good that it won’t even activate until March 1 or April 1. And again, you don’t have to pay then and there. But getting fronted $311 worth of drugs (or more, your prescriptions may vary) from either an awfully trusting or awfully connected drugstore chain happened just like that.

What’s to stop us from cancelling our policy, especially given that we haven’t even filed any claims yet, and pocketing the hypertension drugs? Unclear. Don’t think we haven’t thought about doing this again by the January 31 deadline. And it’s not as if Walgreens can somehow get its (S)-3-methyl-2-(N-{[2′-(2H-1,2,3,4-tetrazol-5-yl)biphenyl-4-yl]methyl}pentanamido)butanoic acid back once it’s been consumed with coffee and a bagel.

Is this unethical? Sorry, counselor, we reject the premise of the question. The rules have changed. Buying too much house and having it fall into foreclosure is now “being preyed upon by unscrupulous lenders.” Violating immigration law is now “Ningún ser humano es ilegal.” Gaming the healthcare system? Sorry, that’s the American way. As we once heard from a septuagenarian man who crossed into traffic and destroyed our vehicle, trying to appease us before the tow truck arrived and/or he became our garroting victim, “Let’s just let the insurance companies sort it out, huh?”

Carnival of Wealth, Cockroach and Cat Edition


We frequent this little Italian joint on a side street in downtown Lahaina, replete with street seating. A neighborhood cat is always out there, politely waiting for table scraps, whom the restaurant has more or less adopted.

The proprietor is a Mexican dude with a middling-to-poor command of English. We asked him,
“So what’s the cat’s name?”
“Oh, we call her Mehitabel.”
Huh? This cook/cashier/server who runs an unprepossessing little hole-in-the-wall 3000 miles from home in a foreign country is a big Don Marquis fan? Jaws on the ground.
Okay, Mehitabel it is. She ate out of our hands as usual, knowing a soft touch when she sees one. Still, the guy named the cat freaking Mehitabel. A lull in the dinner rush, and then an attempt to find out more about this arcanely named cat:
“Is there an Archy, too?”
“Archy and Mehitabel.”
“Yes, Mehitabel.”
“So what made you name her ‘Mehitabel?'”
“It’s her favorite food. She always eat Mehitabel.”
He was saying “meatball”.

Mark Hanna at Debt, Dividends & Diversions bought a new refrigerator. (Is that adjective superfluous? Do people buy old refrigerators?) Which doesn’t sound like it would justify a blog post, except that Mark calculated how many kilowatt-hours said fridge would consume over its life, and how long it would take to break even on its purchase price. Of course, he had to factor in the $20 he spent on a power meter that gauges the electricity consumption of a single appliance. This analysis is somewhat Hammian, but at least Mark recognizes that.

In addition to being autonomous, entrepreneurial, inspirational, funny, and frighteningly intelligent, Pauline Paquin of Reach Financial Independence is trilingual. Actually, quintilingual – English, French and Spanish fluently, a couple of undisclosed languages not as well. Pauline explains how multiple fluency is more than just a party trick or a way to embarrass monolingual people who think you can’t understand them; she’s used her proficiency to make herself wealthier.

Andrew from 101 Centavos had better not take any more half-year sabbaticals without clearing it with us first. More brilliance, this time in the form of an analysis of old-school direct-sales cosmetics company Avon vs. multi-level marketing upstart Nu Skin. We can’t figure out how the latter is still a viable business model, nor can we figure out Andrew’s genius:

The post is mostly about how Avon should have hired a salesperson rather than an engineer for its new CEO (who happens to be a lady), but touches on the stratospheric rise of Nu Skin’s stock price. The very next trading day after Andrew wrote the post (January 14), Nu Skin began cascading. Like, 44% in 2 days:

Nu Skin

The Chinese government accused Nu Skin of false advertising. Essentially, Beijing thought that a pyramid scheme operator was using some sort of…tetrahedral business model. This being America, a class-action suit came next. Andrew noted that few investors had been selling Nu Skin short. Those investors are now shopping for yachts and solid-gold patio furniture.

You guys are so mean, you never have anything nice to say about anyone. Did you read our summary of the last couple of submissions?

Somebody named Kali Hawlk (no, not “Hawk”) guest posts at Your PF Pro this week. She seems to have it together, having graduated college with a meaningless degree but managing to carry zero student or credit card debt while owning a house. Kali’s not big on spelling nor grammar, and has that annoying habit of using “gift” as a verb, but we can get with her sentiment regarding weddings:

You could spend something like 25 bucks to apply for a marriage license, or you could spend 25 thousand bucks and legally end up with the same result.

Kali spared a few expenses on her own wedding, but admits she could have spared more. BONUS: Comments from other ladies (and a couple of sensitive beta males) offering sympathy for the tragedy of Kali’s expensive professional photographer ruining the shoot. At least now Kali knows to use a friend with a camera to take photos at her next wedding.

(Guy who submits every week from the site We’d be much more inclined to run your stuff if you contemporized your site’s title a little.)

CoW mainstay and friend of the program Paula Pant at Afford Anything only looks infallible. This week she confesses to what was probably the worst financial decision of her life, one that cost her a staggering $3.60 hour of her time. (Paula measures these expenses in time, not money, as you probably should.) It might have been dumb, but as Paula points out, people make financial mistakes thousands of times greater than that every day. Even worse, they justify them. At least Paula realized after a minute that she screwed up, however minimally.

A new submitter, Brian Fourman at Luke 1428. We Googled it (sorry for not committing the complete King James version to memory, we’re not Protestants) and found this:

For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it?

So far, so good. Brian can write, although we cringe at the topic of his debut submission: technical analysis, a/k/a trying to divine wisdom out of stock charts. Brian even admits that the positive 70-year record of the S&P 500 might continue for the next 70 years, or might not. Buy assets, sell liabilities, take past performance with great reservations.

Bryan Chau at Success Pen Pal reviewed a movie.

Two more and then we’ll call it a carnival. In his previous life, Justin at Root of Good helped build a billion-dollar, 20-mile toll road that requires long-term maintenance. Applying the same truths to his house, Justin annualized the costs that would maintain the house’s totality of features. And then factored those costs into his retirement budget because a) he should and 2) being retired, Justin has a lot of time on his hands. (Also, Justin’s dishwasher will last more than 8 years if he rinses every item and uses those high-efficiency pods.)

Last but never least, Jason at Hull Financial Planning goes full debunker this week. Don’t complain about inflation – a little of it is vital to the economy (see Chapter II of Control Your Cash: Making Money Make Sense.) Don’t cut expenses when you can increase revenue. Time is money (see Pant, Paula.) And 2 more truisms that we’d repeat here, but you’d be better off going to the original source.

We’ll be back tomorrow. The CoW will be back Monday. Check us out here and here. Thanks for coming.