Real Answers To Largely Real Questions


Male bag. Thank God Dwight Eisenhower and Ted Williams aren't alive to see this.



Dear Control Your Cash:

We came into an inheritance of about $130,000. We paid off all our credit cards and deposited $100,000 in two credit union accounts that each pay 3% on deposits. The balance sits in a non-interest-bearing regular deposit account. Our income takes care of all bills, with a modest margin for savings and/or the occasional repair, travel, etc., without requiring commission income from my job. That situation should be stable for the next 5-10 years (famous last words). In this economic environment, where would you put the cash sitting in the credit union account?

Phenix City, Alabama


Dear Abigail:

How much is sitting in the regular deposit account?

Control Your Cash



(no response)


Dear Abigail (continued):

Okay, fine. Can’t be more than $30,000.

Put 3-6 months of expenses in the best savings account you can find. Try ING. You can buy a CD, but you can probably get an interest-bearing account that pays a similar rate without locking up the money.

Let’s take a look at Bankrate. Right now, the best 3-month CD rate we can find on there, among banks that don’t require a minimum, is Ally’s .39%. Ally’s own money market and savings accounts go as high as .84%, again with no balance required.

Put the rest in TIPS – treasury inflation-protected securities – and index funds. Vanguard is great for index funds because they keep their fees low and have lots of choices. Here are a few that might work, in descending order of how highly we regard them:

REIT index fund
Total stock market index fund
Total bond market index fund

The REIT fund invests in real estate investment trusts only. Buy in, and you’re holding pieces of companies that own pieces of buildings. $3000 gets you into this fund that has a low expense ratio and that pays quarterly dividends (which totaled 44¢ a share over the past year.)

One positive to the REIT fund – or negative, if you have different objectives – is that it’s got far fewer components than your standard stock fund. The REIT fund has only 112 components, a dozen of which comprise half its value. You’d expect this fund to have relatively few components, since there are far fewer REITs for a REIT fund to be composed of than there are stocks that could make up a stock fund.

The stock fund, on the other hand, has a little of everything. 3319 components, to be precise. When Vanguard says the fund tracks the entire market, they mean it. The fund’s top 10 holdings make up only ⅙ of its value, and those holdings are as big relative to the fund as they are to American commerce itself: in order, those stocks are:

Exxon Mobil Corp.58,095,543$4,924,178,225
Apple Inc.11,077,447$4,486,366,035
International Business Machines Corp.14,269,978$2,623,963,555
Chevron Corp.23,932,734$2,546,442,898
Microsoft Corp.90,097,291$2,338,925,674
General Electric Co.126,658,602$2,268,455,562
Procter & Gamble Co.32,835,015$2,190,423,851
Johnson & Johnson32,743,485$2,147,317,746
AT&T Inc.70,807,116$2,141,207,188
Pfizer Inc.93,224,076$2,017,369,005
Google Inc. Class A3,037,566$1,961,963,879
Coca-Cola Co.24,691,491$1,727,663,625
Wells Fargo & Co.59,932,087$1,651,728,318
Philip Morris International Inc.20,987,803$1,647,122,779
JPMorgan Chase & Co.46,588,007$1,549,051,233
Intel Corp.62,741,843$1,521,489,693
Merck & Co. Inc.36,811,418$1,387,790,459
Verizon Communications Inc.33,826,667$1,357,125,880


Finally, the bond fund. It deals exclusively in “investment-grade” bonds, 70% government, the rest corporate. It holds pieces of 4,301 bonds, most of it Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (Which, curiously, Vanguard regards as government bonds. Even though Fannie and Freddie are officially private enterprises. We’ve talked about this before. Last month in, fact.)

Either way, you’re doing fine. Look at the returns on even the most conservative choice here, and compare it to what you were making in credit card interest payments.

We’ll say it again – a huge part of building wealth is not destroying wealth. There are a million places to make the analogy, but constructing a skyscraper is a hell of a lot easier if you aren’t setting fire to the building’s foundation every night.

Dear Control Your Cash:

Tax time is coming up. I get my taxes done at Jackson Hewitt, in the mall, because addition and subtraction are hard. And don’t get me started on multiplication and division. Besides, I’m more of a left-brainer. Numbers are soulless and have no place in a creative person’s life. Did I mention that I’m an artist?

Anyhow, I’m expecting about a $500 refund this year. (Yes!!)

So should I get a refund anticipation loan? The tax preparer told me that I’d get the money immediately, instead of having to wait a few weeks for my refund like I normally do. It’s my money, I shouldn’t have to wait for it, right? So unfair! What do you think?

Scottsdale, Arizona



Dear Erika:

Thanks. A little comedy always livens up the mailbag. Of course you shouldn’t have to wait for your money, which makes us wonder why you authorized the federal government to confiscate it from you in the first place, only to return it to you with zero interest months later. What Jackson Hewitt squeezes out of you is yours and their business, however. Read this, if you can do it without drooling on your keyboard.


Got a question for the CYC mailbag? Email info@ our URL.

Carnival of Wealth, Duct Tape and Paper Clip Edition


Kissing you where it hurts


We’ll spare you the details, but if today’s CoW seems a little sparse it’s because we had technical difficulties that we managed to overcome with little time to spare. This on the heels of the only CoW we’ve ever done where every single post was a good one, which is doubly ironic because that CoW followed the one in which we consciously decided to be nice and it went up in flames. God is obviously telling us to be true to ourselves.

As always, these are actual submissions from actual personal finance bloggers. If you want to submit, email us. But we’d prefer it if you just read. Let’s get crazy:

Liana at CardHub sent us a delightful note this week, so she gets to open up with a post about what credit cards to use overseas.

Jeffrey Strain guest posts at The Frugal Toad, where he lists 11 ways you can save money on your next ski trip. Timely, seeing as winter ends next week. Jeffrey thinks that if you borrow equipment and pack your own food instead of eating in a lodge, you’ll save money. Which you will, and if you didn’t know that before Jeffrey pointed it out you probably shouldn’t be propelling yourself down a hill at highway speeds. Again, we needed space to fill this week.

You’re darn right we’re going to include one of ours this week, especially since so many people left emails and tweets (instead of comments, which we no longer do) telling us how great it was. A review of a 140-year-old book by P.T. Barnum.

“People fear public speaking more than they do death.” “Your body is 98% (or whatever) water.” “Gambling is a tax on poor people.” Man, those aphorisms are so pithy, too. A shame that they’re all lies. PKamp3 at DQYDJ debunks that last one, proving that the higher your income, the more likely it is that you’ll claim gambling winnings on your tax return. He’s got charts and everything.

Could his study be unintentionally biased? Perhaps, if poor people aren’t claiming winnings on their taxes. (If you don’t know, when you win over a certain amount in a casino you can’t escape the taxes. And if you didn’t know that, kudos to you.) Or maybe richer people can afford to gamble in regulated places like casinos, whereas a sufficiently poor person in Iowa can’t afford to fly to Vegas to lose money. WARNING: The comments on this post are depressing. For instance:

chances of winning the lottery are less than 1%.  Chances at roulette is at best 50%.  Chances at poker are higher than 50%.

Let’s break that down. Yes, “chances of winning the lottery are” technically less than 1%. But that’s so misleading as to be unhelpful. It’s like saying that the sun is more than 1000 miles from the Earth.

Some of you are reading that and saying, “So what? The sun is more than 1000 miles from the Earth. What’s your point?” The point is that the chance of a random American living in San Diego is less than 1%, as is the chance of that same person being killed by a meteor. That doesn’t make the two possibilities equal, or anywhere near equal.

Also, the chance of winning at roulette is never better than 47.4%.

(Those same people are now saying, “47.4%, 50%, close enough. You’re splitting hairs.”)

We so aren’t. A game that gives you a 50% chance of winning (and that pays double your money) doesn’t exist, at least not in a casino. If it did, they wouldn’t offer it, because the house wouldn’t make any money. It’d break even, as would you. Go ask a candidate who won 47.4% of the vote in a 2-person election if that’s close enough to 50.*

And “Chances at poker are higher than 50%?” Where?

Also, this comment:

The Powerball will always be the best investment in the world.  I still think throwing $2 into a lottery is just about the best decision anyone can make.  Even if the odds are against you, a tiny $2 ticket every few months for the chance at $200+ million is a great deal.  I mean, without the lottery few people would ever have any exposure to really high-value opportunities.

The commenter was serious. At least we think he was. Here, read this.

Alright, back to the real world. Dividend Growth Investor explains how you can’t live off dividend income until said income exceeds your expenses. Also, helpful explanations of what Procter & Gamble, Chevron, Philip Morris and PepsiCo (“engages in the manufacture, marketing, and sale of foods, snacks, and carbonated and non-carbonated beverages”) do.

Peggy Hill Karen Bryan at Help Me To Save opens with “In my opinion, the fifties are a very important time for women’s financial planning” and it just gets better from there. (Reference lost on anyone who never saw King of the Hill. By the way, the show’s first 9 years were great. Everything after that was garbage.)

Whoever said “neither a borrower nor a lender be” had no imagination, no ambition, and probably died in squalor. You almost have to borrow money to build wealth, unless you have an unusually well-paying job. Boomer and Echo understand that, and this week they explain how getting indebted to invest is a bad thing if you don’t do your homework only.**

Mich at Beating the Index returns with a submission on offshore drilling. As the prices of oil and its distillates rise, it makes more economic sense to drill in hard-to-reach places. Like the ocean floor. Mich lists some companies that might show promise over the next investing cycle.

If you hate commas you’ll love Brandon Crombar’s post at Shared Financial Success in which he tells you how he made lots of money on eBay and how you can too if you just follow his advice which includes not setting a reserve price and also ending your sales on Sunday not to mention opening bidding at low levels like 99¢.

Colin Williams at Humble Savers opens by telling us that “Frequent Flyer miles programs can be difficult to understand”, and if you think that’s true, you should see his post that attempts to simplify them.

If you’ve got a British Petroleum*** credit card, John Kiernan at Wallet Blog recommends you find something better. BP’s card used to give somewhat easily calculable rewards. Now, the company is obfuscating its rewards program and reducing rewards by almost one-third across the board.

Finally, Paula Pant at Afford-Anything summarizes what we’re here for and why we’re doing this, as well as anybody could. The richer you are, the more options you have. People who say “money isn’t everything” are saying “I’d like less choice in my life.”

That actually wasn’t so short after all. A couple of diatribes, and it’s as if nothing ever changed. Join us next week for another exciting rendition of the Carnival of Wealth, along with updates every Wednesday and Friday on how to improve your finances, and daily Anti-Tips. See you then.

*Yes, we’re aware that George W. Bush won less of the popular vote in 2000 than Al Gore did. The United States presidential election isn’t a standard election. It’s 50 simultaneous elections, each weighted for population and then added. Civics 101. Thank you. 

**That sentence reads awkwardly because of the “only”, but that’s the one place it has to go to convey the intended meaning.

***The name is officially “BP”. Whatever. Sorry, but a 2-letter acronym doesn’t distinguish the company enough. “BP” could mean Bell’s palsy, boiling point, binge & purge, etc. The folks at British Petroleum are awfully confident if they think they can somehow commandeer that digraph for themselves. 

In fact, Wikipedia tells us that employees of Bletchley Park, the United Kingdom’s main cryptography center during World War II, referred to their workplace as “BP” so that outsiders would assume they were talking about British Petroleum. In other words, British Petroleum management knows that the “BP” moniker is ambiguous yet insists on using it. That and the Gulf of Mexico.