Carnival of Wealth, Icy Continent Edition


(Not shown – CYC winter headquarters, where it’s currently 79º and sunny)


Just look at those numbers. Even the Bahamas is experiencing sweater weather. You people who live where the minus signs and single digits are, are you masochistic in every aspect of your life, or only the ones that involve exposing your body to the elements? Our favorite number on there is the 26º in Dickinson, North Dakota. “What did we do to deserve this lucky torrid fortune?”

Onto the Carnival. Please Jesus, let the submissions be better than last week’s. Let’s start with Easy Extra Dollar, with a piece on how to earn money online:

Many people have problem in installation and application of software’s. If you have a knowledge about the installation and usage of soft ware’s. Then you can make money online.

We’re not sure whether “soft ware” is one word or two, but at least we have a knowledge that its plural takes an apostrophe.

Anyone here play poker? What do you when you’re holding an unsuited 2 and 8, and three Aces come down on the flop? Do you stick around to the bitter end, or do you fold? Yet here we are, unswayed and not backing out of the CoW immediately as we probably should.

Repetition is the key to something or other, and Jon Haver at Pay My Student Loans enjoys writing about the niche topic of paying one’s student loans. Jon says you can beg your creditors for forgiveness. Failing that, you can beg for a lower interest rate. Either way, you’ll still be confronted with the overarching question of why you wasted 4 years of productive life studying something of negligible or even negative economic value. Jon uses our least favorite word, “consider”, as in “consider refinancing your student loans.”

If something’s worth advocating, then advocate it. Telling people to “consider” something isn’t advice, it’s verbal busywork. This post is 6 paragraphs, 17% of which is pure cut-and-paste. Oh, for the days when we’d host other people’s carnivals, then get lambasted by the carnival operator for saying true if uncomplimentary things about the submissions.

It’s going to take an ocean bigger than the Atlantic to keep us away from the mediocrity. For our British friends, Mark Wang at The Money Mail lists questions you should ask when taking out a mortgage. One of them is “Can I transfer this mortgage to another property?” Really? If you can, we’d like to switch ours to Fairfield Pond in the Hamptons. And then rent it out. (Of course we wouldn’t live there, it’s [checks map] like -2º right now.)

The pain continues. Lisa Park at Secrets2Save noticed that if you start saving money at an early age, that’s better than waiting until a later age. She also uses outdated 2012 numbers for 401(k) matching contribution limits. There’s nothing technically wrong with this post, unless you count “uninspiring” as a subset of wrong.

And Mark Hanna at Debt, Dividends and Diversions finally ruins our streak. Intelligence, originality, engagement…what’s he trying to prove? Mark asks if looking at a day’s or week’s worth of market movements can bode anything for the year. You might be skeptical, but Mark explains that the correlation is stronger than you’d think. That being said, even he admits that you shouldn’t take the implications to incorrect conclusions.

Two more good ones, both CoW veterans of great distinction, and we’ll call it a carnival. Let’s start with Jason at Hull Financial Planning. Be a hard-money lender, or buy rental properties to increase your net worth? Jason opted for the latter, and not just because the wind was blowing a particular way that day. As usual, he gives a litany of logical reasons (coupled with incisive commentary from his wife.) Go to his site and read his archives, he’s almost certainly smarter and more successful than whomever you’re talking to right now.

Finally, Cameron Daniels at— HEY! Looks like we’re not the only ones to have spent the Christmas break gussying up our site. Among other enhancements, the DQYDJ team has incorporated a new font, one in which tildes and minus signs look somewhat similar. We were wondering why Cameron was so happy about seemingly saving -38% of his pretax income.

Also like us, the DQYDJ crew understand the folly of new year’s resolutions. This is the part where we casually ignore Cameron’s admission that he’s carrying $34,000 in consumer debt and bought a house while holding $56,000 in student loans and car loans. Includes a comment from Cameron’s co-author, which is kind of like the Beatles playing on each other’s solo albums.

Once again, we came from behind to rally. Check us out on Investopedia and the Stacking Benjamins podcast. And of course, every day here. New posts Wednesday and Friday, some filler the rest of the week. Thanks for playing.

The CYC New Year’s Resolution Review

24 million more leap-kicks, and she'll be a hardbody in no time

24 million more leap-kicks, and she’ll be a hardbody in no time


We didn’t make any resolutions for January 1, 2013 (or any prior year), because new year’s resolutions are stupid. If you want to change/improve on/reverse something, why would you deliberately postpone doing so until an arbitrary date months down the road? What good would it do to hold off on implementing whatever behavior it is you want to adopt?

Aside: Thanks to all the fat tubs of goo who resolved to get in shape in 2014 by joining a gym. Today’s January 3, which means it’s another week or so before you “sprain an ankle” or “have a fibromyalgia flareup” and have to “take some time off” before “getting back into it.” It’s because of you that gym memberships for the rest of us are sold at a de facto 85% discount.

So, back to our non-existent resolutions and how we fared at accomplishing them.

Pay off $0 in credit card balances. 

Admittedly, this one was the easiest. Here’s the 3-part strategy we used to get our balances on every card from $0 all the way down to $0:

  1. Incur charges for everyday purchases, groceries, gas etc.
  2. Refrain from buying useless stuff, with or without the understanding that said purchase will reappear in statement form at the end of the month.
  3. Authorize AmEx to debit our bank account by the exact amount of the balance incurred each month, each month.

Wait, that’s all there is to it? Come on, there’s got to be more. Isn’t there a debt snowball strategy involved? Something about paying off the lowest balance first and then riding that intangible wave, which provides the impetus to pay off the next-highest balance, and so on, until 7 years later when we can finally begin attacking the $45,394.12 VISA balance that has since grown by a greater amount than the smaller balances we paid off in the interim?

No, that’s it. We wish there were more complexity to our method, because then we could come across as more ingenious than we are, but there isn’t any more to it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Keep the student loan balance at 0, too.

We take it back: this one was even easier than the previous one. All we did was not incur any financing for further education. Again, there are no other steps involved.

Sure, you say, you folks are old enough that formal education is years behind you. Which is true. However, if we were of college age, we’d have run the numbers and concluded that taking out loans that we’d have no capacity to ever pay off given what useless field we planned to major in might not be the brightest way to start one’s adult relationship with money.

You know what’s odd? As far as we know, there are no blogs written by people who say “Damn, the money I spent learning how to become a diesel technician at UTI or a commercial driver at C.R. England was a total waste. I would have been better off paying twice as much to earn a humanities degree. Oh well, live and learn.”

Make money from something other than salary. 

Another win for us! After close to 500 posts, a lot of people still don’t seem to comprehend how this works, so let us spell it out for you again, as simply as possible. If this doesn’t work, we’ll incorporate puppet theater and line drawings instead and see if that leads to a breakthrough.

Reducing expenses and earning more is the easy part, or at least the easily understood part. Once you’ve done that, you’re left with a balance. So what do you do with the balance? Invest it, obviously. That being said, “invest” means more than “defer spending until you’re withered and gray.” The idea is to see returns while you’re still young enough to enjoy them. There are countless ways to do this. Yes, your company-matched 401(k) is a good start. But there’s so much more. As our fellow genius Paula Pant at Afford Anything points out, there are trillions of dollars and dollar equivalents on the planet, awaiting your claim. Buying a 2nd house and renting it out might not seem glamorous, but a) it’s a start and 2) how enchanting is your accounts payable/data entry job at the equipment rental shop, anyway?

So yeah, we did that. We also bought some undervalued stocks. Which brings us to our next resolution:

Don’t get caught up in the hype. 

Heck, this might have been the easiest one of all. We didn’t buy Facebook stock when it went on sale in 2012, and we didn’t buy Twitter stock when it went on sale 2 months ago. Was the latter a bad idea? Of course it was, the stock has risen 50% since its initial public offering. Did we have any reason to believe that that would happen? The company’s profit margins have been less than outstanding for the last couple of years. Does that justify a market capitalization that’s almost 60 times the size of shareholders’ equity? Not at all. To everyone riding the Twitter train right now, congratulations, you’re smarter than us. We’d bet that Twitter will sink below its IPO value before the year is up. That’s in bold so you can hold us to it.

On balance, not only was it a good year but the resolutions were easy to follow through on. Or would have been, had we chosen to come up with them a year ago. One more time: why isn’t everyone rich, or at least liquid and building? Must be because they haven’t read our book yet. Seven measly dollars.