Break Your Appliances, Not the Bank

Here, this looks like an easy fix

Rather than obsess on how to save money, at CYC we focus on creating, building, maintaining and protecting wealth – regardless of how much you’ve already accumulated. We maintain that few measures that purport to save money are worth the time. (If you don’t believe us, go visit the simpleton who cans his own preserves and then calculates the savings to the second decimal place. He’s easy to find.)

Easy Street, here comes Trent

That doesn’t mean we can’t write about saving money. But as usual, we prefer to drop anchor where the big fish are. Given the choice between pocketing .07¢ on every serving of peach compote or saving thousands with a couple of keystrokes, we’ll take the latter every time. (And then, of course, invest the savings.)

Do you own a house? You should, given that the combination of prices and financing is at a historical nadir.

Once you’ve got a house, get a home protection plan. It’s not quite insurance, but the differences are inconsequential. For a nominal yearly fee, a plan will cover you if something breaks. It will.

NOTE: This is not an infomercial. American Home Shield isn’t paying us for this. We should probably charge them, but they don’t know we’re writing about this and we didn’t tell them. We’re just trying to sell you on the concept of spending a few bucks today to avoid spending a ton later.

CYC World Headquarters has a policy that costs less than $54 a month. Every time something breaks – something that requires a professional – there’s a $60 service fee.

There’s NO LIMIT to the number of calls we can make. It says so right there in the company literature. Practically speaking, even if everything you own breaks, that wouldn’t amount to more than 20 items in a year. And presumably, every warranty replacement would remain in good condition throughout the remainder of the year.

The policy covers easily repairable stuff that isn’t worth the price of a service call (e.g. smoke detectors, doorbells), but also covers other items that a lay person can spend the better part of a week toiling over before admitting defeat (e.g. water heaters; stupid fancy Swedish dishwashers that we bought because they looked so alluring on the retailer’s showroom floor, but not alluring enough to save the retailer from receivership, and which no one in the six-state area seemed to know how to fix.)

On average, a heating unit costs almost $2700 to repair; or more than 4 years’ worth of payments to the warrantor.  An air conditioning unit costs over 3 years’ worth. Even a water heater can cost 11 months’ worth.

How does our warranty company make money? Who cares? Not our problem.

Wait, that’s not a fair nor satisfactory answer. We preach throughout the book that you should look at every transaction from the other party’s perspective. Determine if they’re screwing you over, or if they’re merely getting a fair price for a good service. In AHS’s case, the company profits by spreading out risk. AHS can almost guarantee its network of electrician and plumber affiliates a certain amount of work in each region where it has policyholders.

There’s an ancillary benefit too, which AHS doesn’t even publicize all that much. They give us non-obvious advice about how to maintain our things. (Non-obvious advice is the only kind we have any use for here at Control Your Cash, which you know if you’ve read us for any length.) For instance, who knew that a few pounds of lemon juice ice cubes will remove debris buildup on the sharp edges of a garbage disposal and put an end to that cacophonous whirring metal sound? It works in seconds, and it saves a visit from a plumber who’d rather be doing something challenging like a main line replacement or a boiler conversion.

That’s a win-win for both AHS and us: it reduces the likelihood that AHS will have to pay a technician, and it reduces the likelihood that we’ll require one in the first place. AHS would just as soon collect our money without having to do anything, and we’d just as soon not have stuff break. Plus we’re getting free, actionable knowledge: put into practice, that’s the very foundation of a worthwhile and productive life.

AHS doesn’t cover everything, but it covers enough. Fine, so we have to pay for own electrical face plates. Big deal. The peace of mind of knowing that we’ll never have to fix a well pump ourselves is more than worth the monthly fees.

 **This article is featured in the Carnival of Personal Finance 329: California Dreaming Edition**

Carnival of Wealth, Stickler Edition


"Yeah, so what's the problem?"

This is the first Carnival of Wealth we’ve hosted since Greg’s guest post on ProBlogger, where a few people chose to remind him that proper grammar and spelling are nothing more than trivialities for uptight people to obsess over. Will our plea for readable English make a difference this week? Let’s take a look. Again, these are the most entertaining personal finance blog posts of the past 7 days:

Neal Frankle at Wealth Pilgrim is busy raising 3 daughters. How this hasn’t turned him into an alcoholic, we have no idea. (Then again, we’ve never met him. Maybe it has.) Societal pressure dictates that he’s going to have to pay to get them married off, but he explains how he won’t be impoverishing himself to do so.

Take a page from Mike Piper. The Oblivious Investor provides good, worthwhile information every week and presents it beautifully. Mike discusses the upcoming year’s tax bracket calculations this week, and almost – almost – makes them interesting.

Rob Bennett tore into Mike on a previous Control Your Cash guest post, so it’s only fitting that Rob follow Mike up today with his (Rob’s) guest post on Invest it Wisely about investing in stocks for the long term. How long? Longer than you think.

This week’s informercial masquerading as a blog post is from John Chellan, a guest poster at NCH Software’s blog. He thinks you should buy something they sell.

There’s no such thing as a “good” housing market nor a “bad” one. There are just low and high prices. Right now, prices are low. So are mortgage rates. This is unprecedented, and Mike Holman at Money Smarts Blog shows how some homeowners can use that to their advantage.

Tony at Prairie Eco-Thrifter writes about technical stock analysis, fundamental analysis, and a third type of analysis of his own observation. He either thinks history repeats itself, or it doesn’t. Maybe both.

Meanwhile, Karen Bryan at Help Me To Save thinks you should save money. In her words, “I still believe that you should try to make some provision for tomorrow.” Thank you, Karen. Insight: it’s what we do.

If you don’t know how to receive a free copy of your credit report, Consumer Boomer does. Read his findings, or just click on one of the 4 sponsored links at the top of his page.

Journalistically trained Miranda Marquit visits Everything Finance Blog this week, where she opens with “Gold prices may be slumping today,” and it just gets better from there. Apparently she wrote this post in 1999.

Journalistically trained Miranda didn’t notice what Mike Collins at Saving Money Today (and everyone else) did, which is that gold prices are historically high. Mike must be an aficionado of Ogden’s Simple English, because he managed to write an entire post without using a single comma (excluding the one in “$1,000”.) That is not easy to do. Mike writes about gold. He writes about the different forms gold comes in. See Mike write. Write, Mike, write.

One of these days, Carlos Sera at Financial Tales is going to spend a couple of minutes replacing the WordPress template that came with his blog. In the meantime, read what he has to say about investment portfolio makeup having no correlation to age.

First you’re Canadian, then you die. Boomer & Echo explain how even after you’ve decomposed and met your Maker, Revenue Canada still wants its cut. Learn how to minimize the final bite, even though you won’t be there to enjoy it.

Another infomercial masquerading as a blog post? Sure, why not? Submitters are starting to drop off in the CoW, possibly because we hurt their feelings, so Tim Chen at Nerd Wallet is picking up the slack with a paean to his new favorite credit card.

A few paragraphs in, we honestly thought this one came from a remote assistant who gets paid by the keyword. Nope, it’s from Ken Faulkenberry at Arbor Investment Planner. Allocate your assets, buy defense and civil engineering stocks, and use “needs” as a noun.

(Dear Jonathan at Blogging Your Passion: Carnival of Wealth. Not metaphorical wealth, actual wealth. Stop sending us unrelated stuff. Also, Anthony Robbins wants his talking points back.)

Craig Ford at Help Me Travel Cheap (they left off the “-ly” for savings, apparently) argues that if you like to travel, and got a particular credit card specifically for its miles rewards, there are some cases in which you might be better off with a straight-up cash-back card.

Concise writing gets the point across. The appropriately named Net Worth Journey prefers to take the long way, thank you very much. For those of you unfamiliar with the word, N-Dub helpfully explains that “Retirement by definition is to withdraw from one’s occupation, or business, by stopping working especially because a particular age is reached.”

Does Crystal at Budgeting in the Fun Stuff have a home protection plan (slightly different than a warranty)? She seems like a fairly sharp cookie, so we certainly hope she does. This week Crystal explains how she and Mr. Fun Stuff sock away money in the hopes that their appliances will break down and they can get fresh new replacements.

For the second consecutive week, a guest post from contest guru Matthew Fletcher. This time Free Money Finance acts as the conduit. Fletcher has managed to draw his debt down and get some exposure in the process. If you’re wondering why we’re running similar submissions back-to-back, it’s because Fletcher is loony and uninhibited. Last week we saw only his disturbingly gay promotional photo: this week, we get actual video footage of this curious young man decked out as a Cypriot. Press Play; it’s entertaining.

Borrowing from your 401(k) is one of the dumbest things you can do, as it incurs a 10% penalty. But as James Bush at 401(k) Calculator points out, you might not have a choice. Fortunately, if you’re heading to Iraq or undergoing chemotherapy it might soften the blow. See? God never closes a door without opening a window.

Finally, Suba at Wealth Informatics understands. She argues that money can buy happiness, and she’s absolutely right. Anyone who disagrees with this a) prefers to have fewer options in life, and b) doesn’t believe that adding value to society (and receiving a concomitant share) is important.

Thanks again for reading, and we’ll do it again next Monday morning. If you want in to next week’s carnival, the deadline is Sunday at midnight (Pacific Time, UTC-8.) Submit here.