If you can’t grasp this, you’ll never get rich.

Get a credit card for the wrong reasons, and this is what will happen to your kids.

We recently showcased the perspectives that rich people share and that the non-rich never think about. Again, we’re not saying that everyone who exhibits a certain set of characteristics will build wealth. We’re saying that everyone who doesn’t, won’t.

One difference that we’d mentioned between those with the capacity to build wealth and those with none is that the former focus on the upside, rather than the downside. If that sounds uselessly vague, let’s apply it to something real: credit cards.

Most of the ads you see for credit cards plug which features the hardest?

  • Low-interest balance transfers
  • Low-interest introductory rates.

To a rich person, those mean nothing. If you’re serious about building wealth, here’s what you care about when obtaining a credit card:

  • Rewards
  • Protection.

That’s it. Nothing else. (Well, maybe credit limit too, but how much they’ll let you charge is usually a function of your payment history with your particular issuer. There’s little you can do to increase your limits until you’ve been with said issuer for a while.)

This imbalance of priorities illustrates the difference between the rich and the dreamers as much as anything else does. Think about what you’re being sold with a ***6.99% APR*** (for 6-month introductory period) card. What exactly does that feature mean?

It’s a promise from the issuer that you won’t have to spend as much for your upcoming failure to pay your balance on time than you otherwise might have.

Same deal with the low balance transfer rate. We’ll say it until we wear out the relevant keys on the computer: examine each transaction from the other party’s perspective. Are they looking for something fair, or are they looking to profit off your hide?

What does a low balance transfer rate mean? Say you’ve got a Chase VISA card, and BB&T is throwing a low-balance-transfer MasterCard at you. The implicit message from BB&T is

“We’re so sure that you’ll be making interest payments to us for the next few years, if not the rest of your life, that we’re willing to put money on it. Here’s a few hundred now, in the form of us paying off part of the interest on your old card. We’ll gladly give you that money (or more precisely, give it to Chase on your behalf) because we know you’ll make it up to us. Over and over again.”

This is no different than a casino giving you a line of credit, and no less ethical. At Control Your Cash, we don’t fault the credit card companies for offering balance transfers. We fault you for accepting them. If Amy Winehouse hadn’t bought all the heroin, her dealer would have had to find some other profession.

So how does someone with a wealthy person’s mentality handle credit cards? First, by never carrying a balance, for reasons so obvious we’re not going to get into them here.

There’s more to it than that. Plenty of people never carry balances and aren’t necessarily rich. The wealthy person takes advantage of opportunities when they present themselves. Sure, that’s easier said than done. But while most opportunities take some effort to uncover, taking advantage of your credit card issuer is about as easy as it gets.

A wealthy person thinks, “I have expenses anyway, so I’d be nuts to pay cash for them when a credit card will let me

  • wait 30 and even 60 days before paying
  • build rewards that cash won’t.”

Time value of money. Spending $5 for something today is dumb when you can receive the same thing now and not have to spend the $5 until next month. That’s called not charging interest, and if every business did it we wouldn’t have an economy. There are perfectly legitimate reasons for paying interest, if you borrowed money that the lender explicitly demanded a return on (and that you’re putting to some economic use that will benefit you more than you’re benefiting the lender.) If you pay interest (e.g., on a credit card) just because you were financing household purchases or couldn’t mail your payment in on time, then you’re just an imbecile.

Discover got famous for offering 1% cash on every purchase. If you had to choose between a Discover card and a VISA that offered no cash back but gave you a “sweet” introductory rate, why on Earth would you choose the latter? Discover is giving you money. Furthermore, why would you pay cash if you could pay with Discover? Again, Discover is giving you money. (It needed repeating. And bolding.) The Federal Reserve doesn’t send you a $1 bill at the end of the month if you use a Ben Franklin to buy something with.

Non-cash rewards cards work splendidly too, as long as you don’t change your behavior to accommodate the card. (I don’t know if they make a Victoria’s Secret MasterCard, or a UFC VISA, but I’d have little incentive to use either one.)

Again, a rich person recognizes opportunity when it’s practically waving its junk in her face. I can benefit without having to do a blessed thing? Then yes, sign me up immediately.

Meanwhile, a loser’s quest is to minimize the damage (rather than trying to maximize the benefit.) The low-interest credit card is the rectangular plastic version of the low-tar cigarette. If you’re going to get financial cancer, why prolong its arrival?

**This article is featured in the Carnival of Personal Finance #326**

Carnival of Wealth, September 4 Edition

This is technically more county fair than carnival, but whatever

Is it Sunday already? First Sunday of the month? Then we hope you made the minimum payment on your credit card bill, and will have the balance paid off by 2027. Without further ado, here are the latest personal finance blog posts that made the cut. Again, these are actual posts from actual people (and maybe an SEO robot or two):

BREAKING NEWS: Starting next week, we’re moving the Carnival back a few hours. It’ll now post on Monday mornings here in North America. That should add a little excitement to the lives of our readers who work in offices, especially those in the Eastern Time Zone, as they sit at their desks madly refreshing the page and anticipating the Carnival’s arrival in their dull, predictable lives. No one ever does that on a Sunday night. Or you can also just go to ControlYourCash.com/feed to get notified instantly.

Again, these are the least average personal finance blog posts of the week, or at least the least average among the ones we received. If you want to get in on next week’s fun, submit here. Deadline is midnight, every Saturday.

(Aside: We’ve reached the point where we’re going to start every carnival off with a grammar lesson for the submitters who can’t write in functional English. Today, we’re going to learn the difference between plurals and possessives:

I bought the dogs some food.
I can’t find the dog’s leash.

See? The first one is a plural, and doesn’t take an apostrophe. The second one is a possessive, and does. You’re welcome.)

This week’s first entrant is a post-by-proxy. You know those CoinStar machines in the supermarket? The ones that let you pour your loose change into the slot and redeem it for paper currency? Of course you do, and you might even be dumb enough to use them. (If you let your loose change grow so big that it can’t fit in your car’s cupholder in the first place, you’re the 21st century equivalent of the Collyer brothers.) Nelson at Financial Uproar points out that using CoinStar machines is putting your money in an investment with a guaranteed return of -10.9%. Yet some people swear by it. If Nelson thinks an appeal to logic is going to convince retards to change their behavior, he’s got an exasperating life ahead of him.

Our research shows that nothing has started off with two Canadians since last year’s Juno Awards. Again, we love to break tradition at Control Your Cash. Sustainable Personal Finance explains the magic of compound interest, and the importance of paying yourself first: a stratagem that for whatever reason doesn’t come naturally to most people.

Few people write guest posts as well as Neal Frankle does, and this week the Wealth Pilgrim stops by Dough Roller to remind us yet again that retirement isn’t magic. You need to plan, forecast, save and invest now so you can drive around the continent in a Winnebago and complain about kids and their baggy pants later.

Did we mention we’re up for a Plutus Award this month? And that the guy who’s tallying the votes is intelligent, forthright, handsome and a god among men? That’s Flexo at Consumerism Commentary, who gives us 10 Tips to Avoid Overdraft Fees.

Speaking of awards, this week’s “Infomercial Masquerading As A Blog Post” is from Tim Chen at Nerd Wallet, who lists the Best No-Fee Credit Cards. (Redundancy saved by strikethrough. If a card charges a fee, then by definition you shouldn’t use it.)

Our three favorite Phil Taylors are that 334-pound rookie behemoth who debuts for the Browns this week, the guy who used to drum for Motörhead, and the creator of PT Money. This week he hands the reins to Ryan Sandberg, who lists 5 things you’re doing wrong if you want to build wealth. Here’s a creepy picture of Mr. Sandberg.

Can you handle another list of 5? Well, you’re getting one. Staff Writer (almost certainly not his real name) at Deliver Away Debt presents ways to pay off your student loans faster. He waits until #4 before going to the time-tested “just complain”.

You’re applying for a new job? Sorry to hear that. (Nothing personal, we just hate and hated working for other people.) But as long as you’re there, don’t leave money on the table. Free Money Finance explains how to negotiate.

Why should Australians move to another country to retire? Cheaper produce. Seriously. At least according to Kelly at Frugal Living. (By the way, Kelly: Bali? Not a country.)

Sweet Lord, another list of 5? Jonathan Milligan at CPA Career Coach presents that many “cool” ways to use Indeed.com. Because nothing’s “cooler” than posting your résumé, teens. Including cigarettes and sex.

Posts like this one from HSH are always fun. Richard Barrington lists the 12 best cities not to live in, but to live in the suburbs of. He even ratiocinates his findings to the 2nd decimal place. (To give him credit, he does practice what he preaches, living in a small town outside Rochester.)

It’s adorable that Tim Fraticelli at Faith and Finance thinks that people will heed his list of 33 ways to make money off the clock, but it’s there if you want it. Our favorite suggestion of his is to let people park on your property if you live next to a stadium, even though

To be honest, I’m not sure if you have to have a special permit, but it was worth bringing up as an idea!

Thanks for that, and thanks on behalf of the people who are good at graphic design yet never thought of charging people for it.

(FirstCreditCardResource.org, you sent 5 horrible posts this week, each worse than the previous one and each with a different byline. At this rate, sooner or later you’ll stumble across a contributor who can write. When you do, we’ll reconsider you. In the meantime, learn from someone literate. Such as…)

The efficient market is the stuff of hypotheses and textbooks. Mike Piper at The Oblivious Investor understands that that’s not how the real world works, but wonders whether it’s worth it to spend your time looking for inefficiencies.

Diversify your portfolio, create an emergency fund, don’t panic…Consumer Boomer has figured out all the things you should do to avoid stock market pain. A welcome relief, because we never would have thought of any of that.

We’ve got a new trusting soul entrant this week, the modestly styled Personal Finance Whiz. He got our attention by claiming that he’d figured out how you can pay a $221,800 mortgage off in only 5 years. So how do you do it?

By making $4,185.64 monthly payments! Wasn’t that easy?

Michael German at Everything Finance Blog gives half-hearted recommendations for credit cards “for job seekers”, who presumably want different rewards and credit limits than the rest of us. There’s also some meaningless references to interest rates in there, which any CYC reader knows are the least important features about credit cards.

Wait…there are wimmens who make more money than their men? Sure. Maybe those same females will even be voting and driving some day. Next thing you know they’re going to be attending school, too. Crystal at Budgeting in the Fun Stuff lives in this future world, and apparently her husband allowed her out of the kitchen long enough to write about it.

Thanks again for joining us. Y’all come back next week, right?