Throwing Away The Packaging


Make us an offer. We’re not using it.


(This post contains repeated references to video games, a subject we know nothing about. Forgive us in advance if our descriptions are stilted, ignorant, or both.)

A few days ago, Boston Red Sox owner and investor/former commodities broker John Henry bought the Boston Globe for $70 million. The paper sold for $1.1 billion 20 years ago, meaning it’s lost 95% of its value. Why would a rational, profit-maximizing businessman buy into a dying industry, even at what seems to be a low price? Not a rhetorical question, especially since newspapers are notorious for being operated by people not known for their aptitude with a dollar.

Henry didn’t buy a newspaper. He bought some sweet real estate, with a disposable information delivery system thrown in. (We don’t mean that the newspapers themselves can be discarded. We mean the very apparatus that creates and distributes the papers is ancillary to the deal.) The building that houses the Globe could sell, today, for at least $5 million more than Henry paid. (Granted, that number comes from the Globe‘s crosstown rival. But, as we said in high school debating class, still.)

The additional $1.03 billion in value that the Globe (oh, enough with this pretentious italicizing of newspaper names, like they’re somehow deserving of a higher status than other commercial enterprises aren’t) commanded in 1993 was illusory. Today the paper and what’s printed on it, and even its website, have negligible worth. All that matters in this transaction is the commodity that, as Will Rogers pointed out, “they ain’t making any more of.” But “Local Tycoon Buys 135 Morrissey Boulevard” isn’t much of a headline. (On a side note, Henry insisted that the previous owners – The New York Times Corporation – hold on to $100 million in pension liabilities. Which they did. If business deals had referees, this one would have called a TKO several rounds ago.)

So the paper was the marquee acquisition, but as such trades go, strictly a throw-in. The Mike Krushelnyski of the deal. Right now you’re saying to yourself, or possibly aloud, “Why are these idiots wasting my time with a story about a billionaire’s latest endeavor? This has no bearing nor application to my life.”

Pish. Also, posh. Earlier today, the CYC principals spent $100 and became proud owners of their first-ever video game: Madden NFL 25. Specifically, Madden NFL 25 Anniversary Edition. For Xbox. We weren’t daunted in the least by the reality that we don’t own an Xbox. Nor would we know what to do with one if we did. We do, however, enjoy watching our de facto national pastime. And here’s what prompted us to buy a product we have no utility for: said edition of Madden comes with a code good for a season of NFL Sunday Ticket Max. We bought a retinue of NFL games and got a superfluous video game for good measure.

(If you know what NFL Sunday Ticket is, skip this paragraph.) If you’re European, a fan of Broadway, or both, we can explain that NFL Sunday Ticket is a TV subscription package that lets people watch football games they’d normally be unable to. The National Football League plays 80% of its schedule on Sunday afternoons (and mornings, in the time zones that CYC headquarters shuttles between.) There are 32 teams in the league, which means that often 4 and sometimes as many as 10 games are going on simultaneously on Sundays. With the NFL knowing the value of scarcity, and the human head having 18 eyes too few to take in all the games anyway, viewers who rely on basic over-the-air broadcast TV have only 1 or 2 games available in their particular region at any given time. (Said Sunday games are broadcast on CBS and Fox, which are available to 99% of American homes, without charge.) If you live in Phoenix, you’re probably not going to get to see the Miami Dolphins play. If you live in Jamestown, North Dakota, the Houston Texans are often going to be nothing more than a rumor. But Sunday Ticket changed all that, making theoretically any game available to anyone willing to pay to watch it.

Sunday Ticket Max, as distinguished from Sunday Ticket, also includes the glorious Red Zone Channel. It features live cuts to the most crucial moments of each game, non-stop, with no commercials. Which is so amazing that it warrants both italicizing and boldfacing. The catch is that Sunday Ticket is only available via DirecTV, a company we happen to patronize already. And as long as we’re listing catches, this deal is only available via Amazon. And EA Sports is making only 100,000 copies of the Anniversary Edition.

Sunday Ticket Max normally costs $300 a season. And unlike its unMaxed counterpart, allows you to watch games on iPads and stuff.

As best we can tell, the video game without the DirecTV code – the non-Anniversary Edition – will sell for somewhere around $55 on eBay. So for $45, we’ll be getting $300 worth of beautiful, bellicose, brain-deadening NFL action. Barely a dollar a game. (Also, CYC’s Winter Headquarters are in a condo complex, one whose cable package bafflingly excludes The NFL Network. Which meant that watching Thursday night games, shown exclusively on The NFL Network, required us to visit the local bar and inhale smoke. No more, given that Sunday Ticket allows us to watch Thursday night games too.)

Today’s lesson? When you reach into your wallet, remember that ultimately you’re not buying a “product” – a good or a service. You’re buying a benefit. The old advertising axiom fits perfectly here: “People don’t want soap. They want clean hands.” The soap is secondary. In our case, the video game was secondary. Even better, we can sell it, let someone else enjoy its benefit, and extricate said benefit from the only one we care about – the ability to watch football at our leisure.

They Paid Us




(This is a guest post from Jacquie Dymock, the Country Manager for Ferratum Australia, payday loans and other short term cash providers. Connect with Jacquie on Google+ as well.)


Know Your Rights When Dealing With Payday Loan Debt Collectors

While payday loans can be helpful for some people, they turn out to be complete disasters for certain individuals who cannot make their payments on time. Once you start to get behind on these kinds of high interest loan payments, it is rather easy for you to get in over your head and not know how to find a workable solution to the problem. If you are someone who is in the midst of a battle with a payday loan debt collector right now, then you need to make sure that you know your rights before you continue. Let’s take a look at the straight facts of payday loan collection.

Check Your State’s Usury Laws

Although most payday loan debt collectors will not tell you this, there are actually limits to how much interest a lender can charge you on a yearly basis. The limits can change from state to state, so it is important to make sure that you understand the law in your state before you try to fight off a debt collector. If you have found that your debt collector is trying to collect an illegal amount of interest, then you should inform the debt collector about the laws in your state to get them off your back. If the debt collector continues to hassle you, then you may need to call a lawyer or your state’s financial board to get them off your back.

The Debt Collector Cannot Be Aggressive

If you are dealing with an aggressive debt collector who seems to think it is all right to call your home and place of business more than ten times a day, then you could be dealing with someone who is breaking the law. Payday debt collectors are only allowed to send you polite letters and leave you calm messages on your voice mail, so you should try to report any debt collector who is getting a bit too aggressive.

The Debt Collector Cannot Continue to Force Collections

If your payday loan debt collector has direct access to your bank account, then you should know that they are not allowed to send any charges to your account without your permission. If you do not have the funds in your account as they continue to try to collect your payments, you will be hit with massive amounts of fees from your bank. In certain situations, the debt collector will actually be liable for those fees because they were not supposed to be charging your account without your permission in the first place. If you have been charge overdraft and NSF fees for attempts by a debt collector to charge your bank account, then you may be able to get those charges dropped or sent over to the payday lending company.

The Debt Collector Has to Be Willing to Work with You

If you are trying to solve the collection problem by coming up with a new payment plan, then you should be in the clear of any more extra fees in the future. Some states actually require debt collectors to listen to their borrowers when it comes to restructuring their payment plan, so make sure that you are at least attempting to solve the problem instead of ignoring all those phone calls and letters. This is not the kind of problem that will go away on its own, and it is much better to take a proactive approach when it comes to dealing with an unlawful debt collector.


Ask for Legal Help

Once you have done everything you could possibly do to work with your debt collector and they are still not willing to budge on your collections, then you may want to ask for legal advice from a payday loan lawyer. There are some situations where a debt collector will simply not give up on harassing you on a daily basis, and it is important to take legal action in these kinds of situations. If your debt collector has been too aggressive or your payday loan was illegal in the first place, then you need to ask for help from a legal expert. Knowing your rights will only get you so far against someone who is willing to break the law while trying to intimidate you into making large payments. Sometimes you have to be willing to fight fire with fire and stand up for yourself against a payday loan debt collector.