You Need an American Express Card. Sorry, But You Do.



The doleful saga continues

The doleful saga continues


Part of a continuing series in which we repurpose something on a topic we wrote about 3 years ago, which is still a far longer cycle than just about anyone else uses in this ludicrous culture we call personal finance blogging. Right now some debt blogger is writing about her emergency fund for the 3rd time in a week.

We’ve written before about what credit card you should get. A few times. But offers change, as do our recommendations:

You have a bank account, right? They gave you a debit card when you opened the account, because otherwise you’d have to go down to your neighborhood branch every time you wanted money and then wait in line with a withdrawal slip. This is how the world used to operate not that long ago, we swear to God. You’d burn half an hour on a Saturday morning to access money that was yours. Of course, if you didn’t like that you were welcome to stash your cash behind a wall panel at your house instead. The world, or at least the money-procuring part of it, has gotten considerably more advanced since then.

That debit card’s going to be branded VISA or MasterCard. You can get separate VISA or MasterCard credit cards from a lending institution(s) of your choice, in the pretty color scheme of your choice (maybe even with a race car on it! Vroom vroom!!) but doing so seems redundant. Meanwhile an American Express card gives you purchase protection and a bunch of other perks, assuming you’re willing to meet the company halfway and pay your bills on time, thus remaining a cardholder in good stead. So yeah, you need a 2nd card. If you never leave the United States, using Discover for your 2nd card won’t hurt you, but American Express is the way to go internationally. Whip out a Discover card in Moscow or Kigali and the locals will think it’s a kids’ novelty item from a souvenir store.

But which American Express to get? They offer 20 different ones, but we can eliminate most of them right away. Those 20 include 2 prepaid ones (what are you, a teenager?), and 13 with annual fees. Of the remaining 5, one has an indirect annual fee – the Costco-branded card, yours for the asking when you pay $55 for a year of Costco membership. Costco membership is a deal in itself, and your CYC principals are both members. But that’s a topic for another day, and joining Costco doesn’t do you much good if you live in a city without a Costco. (That last clause represents the kind of piercing financial insight we’ve become infamous for.)

So that leaves 4 American Express cards, one of them co-branded:


We should clarify that the full title of the card referenced above is BlueCash Everyday®. There’s also a BlueCash Preferred® that has an annual fee. Here are the cards and the differences among them. We were going to do a chart but trust us, with all the qualification and fine print this way is easier:

Sign-up bribe if you spend $1000 in the 1st 3 months

  • Blue         10,000 points
  • BlueSky 7500 points
  • BlueCash $100
  • HiltonHHonors 40,000 HiltonHHonors points, as distinguished from American Express points. And you only have to spend $750.


Reward schedule

  • Blue Spend $1, earn a point. Earn double points on flights, hotel stays etc. bought via
  • BlueSky Spend $1, earn a point.
  • BlueCash 1% cash back. 2% at (U.S.) stand-alone gas stations and “select” department stores, and 3% on your first $6000 every year at U.S. (stand-alone) supermarkets.
  • HiltonHHonors Spend $1, earn 3 HiltonHHonors points. You get an extra 2 points at U.S. restaurants, supermarkets and gas stations; and an extra 4 points at Hilton’s own hotels, assuming you’d ever want to do that. Any cocaine kingpin will tell you that you never get high on your own supply. 


So what’s a “point”, anyway? With Blue, it’s redeemable for merchandise and not cash. We’d say that that alone should disqualify Blue from consideration, but of course it depends on how much the points are worth. Which is buried on a different American Express site (, and reads as follows:

You can use points in 20,000-point increments to get a $100 credit on your Card Account.

So a point is worth ½¢, which is a joke.

With BlueSky, a point can be worth 1⅓¢, but only on travel purchases, and only in 7500-point increments. Another joke. In the words of Dale Gribble, jokes should start with “Knock knock” or “What do get when you cross a”. Not “Terms and Conditions: Important Notice.”

Meanwhile the BlueCash cash back is available only in $25 increments. Earn $24.99 and you can’t do a thing with it.

As for the HiltonHHonors points, and obviously this is only worth mentioning if you stay in hotels a lot, points operate on a different scale. At the Hampton Inn in McAllen, Texas, at least tomorrow, a Hilton HHonors point is worth .64¢ in room credits. At the Hilton Manhattan East next month, a HiltonHHonors point is worth as little as .27¢.

But don’t forget, you earn the HiltonHHonors points more quickly than Blue (and its variants) cardholders earn American Express points. At least 3 times faster, in fact. Best-case scenario, if you’re buying groceries at the right store and staying in the appropriate Hilton hotels as a matter of course, you can be “rewarded” up to 4 times as generously as the lowly Blue cardholders.

They make this confusing for a reason. To summarize, our position hasn’t changed despite American Express’s new offerings. Get a BlueCash card and be done with it.

Carnival of Wealth, Moose! Edition

Just outside Island Park, Idaho

Just outside Island Park, Idaho


Final tally on the recent CYC wildlife viewing excursion:

Bears 1 (black)
Pronghorn too numerous to count
White-tailed deer 1 doe, 2 fawns
Elk too numerous to count
Bison too numerous to count
Moose 1

Fun facts about moose: The Shiras, 1 of 4 North American subspecies (the others are Alaskan, Western and Eastern), lives as far south as southern Utah and Colorado. In other words, within a day’s jaunt of Arizona and New Mexico, if you happen to be a moose. Sorry, that’s the only fun cervine fact we’ve got this morning. On with the show:

You’re not going to believe this, but there’s a personal finance blogger who took out student loans and is now drowning in debt. No really, there is. Her name is Kristen Kuchar and the folks at My Dollar Plan have deigned to let her write about how she’s paying them off. Oh, and her degree? Yeah, it’s in journalism, the stupidest “profession” known to mankind. Good thing she’s got that sweet My Dollar Plan money rolling in.

Robert Renaud at Time Trading Guru recites the same personal development advice you’ve heard 8 million times.

Another new submitter, Jeffrey James at Life in Charge, asks if financial newsletters are worth reading. In general, no. In particular, yes. Save yourself the aggravation and just scroll down to the last 3 paragraphs of Jeffrey’s post. Control Your Cash, getting to the point since 2010.

Dividend Growth Investor understands that there’s no more vital step on the road to building wealth than to check the prices of the stocks you invest in, and to do so every day. Ha ha jk LOL, of course not. He recommends the exact opposite of that, because he’s not insane. Obsessing over daily fluctuations is dumb enough to begin with, but especially if you’re long into companies that are established and profitable enough that they’re paying dividends in the first place.

Alright, we appear to have turned the corner. One of our favorite submitters is Pauline Paquin at Reach Financial Independence, a French woman who escaped the land of government-mandated paid vacations to seek out a new life in a country with a far lower cost of living and a more consistently pleasant climate – Guatemala. Pauline wrote what might be greatest line in the history of the CoW:

[W]e live on about $1,000 per month with a full time staff, two cars, a motor boat and a couple of trips abroad during the year.

She also spends 0 hours a year in cubicles and a comparable amount of time in traffic jams. Think about that tomorrow morning, when heading to your job as an account executive or regional representative.

Michael at Financial Ramblings writes an infomercial for reviews a financial tracking service called Personal Capital. He describes it as Mint with an investing slant, and we have to admit that it looks both elegant and functional. Michael’s review of Personal Capital is fair, not fawning. As to whether you should pay for the service or not, Michael’s got your answer.

The Carnival of Wealth is supposed to be a compendium of other people’s blog posts. Occasionally it becomes a meta-compendium, as when it features posts like this one by Mike St. Pierre at Annuity Rates HQ. Mike lists the “Top 27 Annuity Articles From Non-Biased Sources.” Or “unbiased”, if you prefer the traditional antonym of “biased”. We’ll call it 25, because Mike included posts from 2 reprehensible blogs: The Simple Dollar and Financial Samurai. (We’re exceedingly non-biased in our assessment of said blogs.)

Sandi Martin at Spring Personal Finance deserves a larger audience, and we’ll do our incremental part to help that happen. Sandi, a fee-only financial planner with a bouncy ‘do and low tolerance for stupidity, maintains that while excitement might belong in your life – perhaps in the form of motorcycle racing or free solo climbing – it doesn’t belong in your investment strategy. Especially if you’re young. Sandi recommends mutual funds, not unduly hyped single stocks with weak or nonexistent fundamentals. If you’re Canadian, hire her.

We’re officially in the heart of the order. PKamp3 at investigates the most absurdly outlying housing market in the United States, that of the Bay Area. Not only are homes in San Francisco and its environs expensive, PKamp3 argues that they might finally be unjustifiably so. In other words, bubblicious. PKamp3 and his staff somehow manage to put together an engagingly written blog, punctuated by charts and calculators of their own derivation, and update it multiple times weekly. While holding demanding full-time jobs, no less. Meanwhile we just write a couple of unadorned posts every Wednesday and Friday (when we remember) and host this goofy carnival every Monday.

Jason at Hull Financial Planning has lived that most regimented of lifestyles – that of the commissioned Army officer with unambiguous pay grade. Today he’s at the other pole, as an entrepreneur whose income derives largely from his ability to convince people to buy what he and he alone is selling. Jason also makes money by owning rental properties, which requires at least as much intellectual brawn as his day job does. Jason explains the concepts of alpha and beta as they pertain to return and risk, and does so in a detailed but readable fashion. He quantifies the downside, demonstrates the benefits endemic to real estate investing, and between he and PKamp3 we’re starting to realize the limits of our own brainpower (several levels below theirs.)

“Tips for a successful garage sale”? Come on. Do we look like Clark Howard? Adam at Money Rebound has grossly misunderstood what we do here:

[P]ut out some coffee and juice and/or set up a “kid zone” filled with coloring books and crayons where little ones can be occupied as mom and dad do their browsing.

Hold on a minute. No guy, or at least no guy we’d want anything to do with, refers to kids as “little ones.”

Upon further review, Adam was merely the submitter. The post was written by someone named Jen. Jen’s Twitter bio calls her a “reformed spendaholic” and “debt destroyer.” She had $14,000 in consumer debt, student loans, etc., etc., etc. See above. In fact, see just about every other personal finance blogger in existence.

Oh, what the hell. As long as we’re here, presenting Control Your Cash’s tips for a successful garage sale:

  1. Acknowledge that it’s 2013, and we have eBay and Craigslist now. You don’t have to restrict your potential clientele to dull people who have nothing better to do on a Saturday than putz around the neighborhood contemplating your junk. If you then decide that you won’t be able to turn a profit on your Disney®-logo napkin rings once you account for shipping, do everyone a favor and throw them in the garbage.
  2. Ignore Jen’s advice, which includes such gems as “buy those colored dot stickers at an office supply store and assign each group their own color. That way, when things get busy, you’ll have no problem knowing that lamp is Aunt Sally’s because it has the neon green sticker on it.”

Another masturbatory post that does nothing but achieve the writer’s required word count. Instead of reading about what color stickers to buy for a garage sale you’re never going to hold, read PKamp3’s or Jason Hull’s post twice.

Finally, the lovely Liana Arnold at Card Hub tells us that the money loaded on prepaid debit cards has tripled in the last 4 years. She cites a report from a research firm called the Mercator Advisory Group, which not only ranks 26 different cards, but offers its…wait for it…projection for the prepaid debit card market! (We can’t give away all the details, but let’s just say that Greenland and Antarctica will show up big.)

Thanks for coming. See you next time, preferably tomorrow.