Control Your Cash Mailbag!

Financial freedom for the price of a stamp

Financial freedom for the price of a stamp

Real letters from real readers. Send yours to info @ ControlYourCash . com.

Dear CYC:

My fiancé and I are getting married! We know that destination weddings can get expensive, so we’re going to do it close to home. The problem is that he and I can’t come to an agreement on some of the most basic parts of the wedding. Like the venue. I want to hold the reception at the ballroom in a local 5-star hotel ($12,000), while he wants to do it at his father’s yacht club ($13,000, but my fiancé claims the view of the lake is awesome and there might be a party boat involved.) Which do you think is better?

Sincerely, Melinda in Broken Arrow


Dear Melinda:

None of the above. Either is a giant and needless expense.

Here’s how you do a wedding, assuming you’re not a trust-fund punk. First, go to the county clerk and get a marriage license for $60 or however much it costs. Then pay your priest/minister/rabbi whatever his going rate is, which is probably not that much. Finally, hold the reception at one of your parents’ houses. If your mother and mother-in-law want to help they can go to Costco and buy those giant packs of hors d’oeuvres.

One more thing. It’s probably too late for this, but don’t register anywhere. Find a tactful way to say “cash gifts only” to your invitees. One way to handle that is to just say nothing, and when they realize you aren’t registered they’ll probably take it upon themselves to discreetly hand you an envelope at some point during the evening. You might even end up making a profit on the deal. But yeah, do it on the cheap. This is one place where frugality makes tremendous sense.


Dear CYC:

My fiancée is driving me crazy. She’s already made a non-refundable $6000 deposit on a ballroom for our wedding, and let’s not forget the $5000 I spent on an engagement ring. I make $40,000 a year. And now we’re – I wouldn’t say arguing, but heatedly discussing such details as the wedding invitations. Did you know engraved vellum paper goes for $1.50 per invite? Multiply that by 200 and you can see what just one of our problems is. Beef medallions on the dinner menu vs. chicken for $1 a plate cheaper, it never ends. What do I do?

Sincerely, Brian in Broken Arrow


Dear Brian:

$11,000 in sunk costs already? Man. Another $7 won’t kill you, so you should buy our book and figure out how to build wealth instead of destroying it.

Also, it’s 2013. Why are you sending invites via any medium other than email? You know how much an email invitation costs, right?

Are you going to be one of those couples who never talk about money until it’s too late? It’s cool if you are, just know that you’re already well on the path to sitting across from each other at the kitchen table a couple years from now, she furrowing her brow and you staring at the readout on a Casio printing calculator, wondering why you’re so broke and whether you’ll have to move into a studio apartment once the baby arrives.


Dear CYC:

Well, your advice is certainly condescending. And unrealistic. You seriously expect me to have a discount wedding? Should I get my dress from Goodwill while I’m at it? Maybe you don’t understand how important this is and how deep our love for each other is. My wedding is going to be THE most important day of my life, and the idea of it being no more ceremonial than a Super Bowl party is offensive to me. I asked you a simple question about one venue vs. another and instead you start pontificating. Thanks for nothing, ass.

Sincerely, Go to Hell


Dear Melinda:

Why did you ask for advice if you didn’t want advice?

Let’s do this Socratically. Would you say that most people a) worry about money, or 2) live with the freedom of knowing that they have sufficient cash flow and a big enough nest egg to see them through anything – financial independence, to coin a phrase?

This part of our conversation is unilateral, but we’ll answer for you. Obviously the answer is a). We’d guess that they outnumber the people in the other category at least 9 to 1. Now…would you believe, or at least be open to believing, that there might be a correlation between the plurality of people who have traditional weddings, and those who end up in the first category?

This is the ultimate in short-term thinking. Your wedding day. DAY. Singular. One of maybe 25,000 you have ahead of you. Why on earth would you focus all your attention, and undue money, on a single day when doing so means hampering your ability to build wealth over the remaining 24,999?

If your answer is “Because every girl dreams about her wedding day and I’ve been fantasizing about this since I was playing with Barbies,” then you’re a moron. It’s a non-repealable law of the universe that you can’t have it all. Everyone has to make choices. Even the biggest individual expenditures are done with respect to other possible outlays. Carl Icahn just borrowed $5.2 billion to attempt to take over Dell Inc. He didn’t go for Lenovo, or Acer, or even a company that does something other than manufacture computers. Icahn thinks that’s the way to get the best return for his (or his lenders’) money, so he acts accordingly.

We know what your objections are before you make them. How can we compare something as cold and utilitarian as a business deal to the magic and emotion of a wedding day? Because whether you choose to accept it or not, when you indebt and/or impoverish yourself to get married, there’s still a transaction. Multiple transactions. And as far as the people on the other side of them are concerned, business is business. The wedding planner, the hall, the florist, the caterer, the DJ etc. all get paid. In money. By you. And your heirs, if you let your bills sit long enough.

Also, the math doesn’t work out. You’ve got at least a 40% chance, conservatively speaking, of getting divorced. Yeah, we know. You two are different. (Also, we don’t know why the Centers for Disease Control with its $11.3 billion annual budget, an agency originally created for the narrow purpose of fighting malaria in the Southern United States, ended up being the nation’s official recordkeeper of marriage and divorce statistics.) An average wedding costs around $26,000. Even the most degenerate gambler in the world wouldn’t place a $26,000 bet on a game where there was a 40% chance of losing it all and a 60% chance of…well, still losing it all.

It is astonishing how many adults we meet who insist on handicapping themselves at the onset regarding money. Everyone with even a passing interest in personal finance will tell you how important it is to save early for retirement – why, if you just sock away an extra $10 a month starting when you’re 21 instead of waiting until you’re 40 you’ll have a billion more when you turn 65, or something. Yet none of these people will advocate something more obvious and even more impactful: Not blowing $26,000, and forgoing the assets that that could buy.

Still, most people aren’t going to listen to this. For a completely unrelated reason, most people aren’t wealthy.

Carnival of Wealth, Monday 1 a.m. Edition

1:30 in Newfoundland (only our Canadian readers will find that amusing, and probably not even them)

1:30 in Newfoundland (only our Canadian readers will find that amusing, and probably not even them)


Just 3 hours left to get this thing out the door! No time to waste:

The eloquent Sandi Martin at Spring Personal Finance returns with a stern assessment of retirement calculators. You know, this input plus this input divided by that input equals this amount I need to live with some sort of comfort in my declining years. To summarize her long and detailed post, don’t concentrate on the parameters you can’t do anything about (future interest rates, predicted returns, etc.)

While entering this next submission, we happen to be watching the pantherine Gerri Willis on the Fox Business Network (Hey girl!) She just presented a list of the alleged top 10 cities for worker happiness. San Jose was #1, if you care. Jason at Hull Financial Planning would argue that the premise is invalid, and that you find true happiness at the end of a business license. Jason cites a study that says that entrepreneurs are happier than the rest of us, and the reasons he gives are both undebatable and inspiring. If you’re thinking of quitting your job to venture out on your own, read Jason’s post. (Then read Chapter 10 in our book.)

Anton Ivanov at the curiously titled Dreams Cash True is back, explaining why attempting to time the market is a game played only by suckers and the extremely lucky. He padded his post to get it to an aesthetically suitable length, not unlike the high schooler who has a 1500-word book report due tomorrow and whose first draft contains only 400 words.  Anton still doesn’t have an editor, and thus our synopsis of his post contains pretty much all the same actionable advice that his post does.

Something of similar unnecessary length (or as they say in Canada, “lenth”) from Peter Jones at Money Bulldog, who’s not only an attorney but writes like one. How to invest. (Again, our book. This time, Chapter IV.)

Fitz Villafuerte has some standard-issue self-improvement advice for you: how you can be successful at anything in 7 steps. Anything? Anything. He must know what he’s talking about or he wouldn’t have written so authoritatively.

Dividends are just a special treat, aren’t they? Dessert after a well-balanced meal of capital gains, right? Not according to Dividend Growth Investor, who makes the remarkable point that dividend income has declined in fewer of the last 34 years than capital gains have. Of course you can’t separate the two, but that’s as powerful an argument as we’ve heard for investing in stocks with increasing, substantial dividends.

Emergency funds are stupid, self-defeating, an inefficient use of resources and a lazy person’s way of arranging money. We have occasion to say this every week, but almost every other personal finance blogger in existence claims to know better. This week Jen at Money Rebound joins the lunatics’ chorus; Jen who, of course, had 5-figure student loan and credit card debt. Which thus distinguishes her from the 2,987,332,445 other debt bloggers. She claims that if she’d socked $25 a month into an emergency fund in her early 20s her finances never would have fallen into disrepair, and you can probably guess what our assessment of that notion is. She also ends her post with 2 boldface questions posed at the reader, the sign-off of the truly original blogger.

Why do you think building an emergency fund is a better idea than paying off your consumer debt? Or never incurring it in the first place? Leave a comment below!

John Kiernan of Card Hub continues his “Ask the Experts” series, in which dozens of academics pontificate about a real-world financial issue. In this case, how to fix retirement at the institutional level. Some University of Wisconsin professor of Public Affairs and Consumer Science, which apparently is a field of study, thinks that universal health care coverage is the answer. If you read only one of the quotes, read our favorite; the one from Laurence Kotlikoff of Boston University.

Hey, Canadian Budget Binder: this (‘) is called an apostrophe. Let us show you how it works, at least with respect to your opening sentence:

Some people like knowing what their friend’s financial numbers are, other’s don’t.

Awful. 0 out of 10. Well, 1 out of 3. You got the one in “don’t” right. Here’s our stab at it:

Some people like knowing what their friends’ financial numbers are, others don’t.

See how much better that was? The latter is in comprehensible, identifiable English. Actually, we can do even better:

Everyone would like knowing what their friends’ financial numbers are, assuming they’re available.

Come on, who wouldn’t? It’s not as if this is an opportunity that comes up regularly and that we can reject at our leisure. “Hi, I’m your neighbor. My net worth is —” BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH FINGERS IN MY EARS CAN’T HEAR YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW. Yeah, that’s a realistic scenario.

UPDATE: It turns out Mr. Canadian Budget Binder is not originally from Canada. Alright, we’ll sheepishly cut him a break on his punctuation.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: He’s originally from the UK. We take it back.

We’ve written before about welfare and what great disdain we have for anyone (yes, anyone) who collects it. But from a purely utilitarian perspective, it might make sense for plenty of low-income people to just give up and let their fellow citizens keep them afloat. Just ask Pauline at Reach Financial Independence, whose own sister is in financial doldrums but who has a French welfare state ready to make her life better than ever if she’d only quit her low-paying job and stretch her hand out.

(Holy crap. According to Pauline, the French government gives out Christmas bonuses to people on welfare. “Here you go. Thanks for helping out throughout the year, and congratulations on a job well done.”) No wonder she left for Guatemala.

Michael at reports that we’ve managed to stave off Social Security’s insolvency for at least one more year. The good news, if you want to call it that, is that within a decade Social Security will still be able to pay out 77¢ on the dollar. Franklin Roosevelt confirmed that retirement is not your responsibility, much like a later president did regarding health care. This will end well.

Adjustable-rate mortgages are wholesale craziness, right? Especially with fixed rates being as low as they are? Kevin Mulligan at Free From Broke says not necessarily: the introductory rate on an ARM is going to be tantalizingly low (that’s how they advertise them, after all), and there’s only so high it can rise. If you need any further convincing one way or the other, Free From Broke’s own founder wrote an addendum stating whether his own mortgage is fixed-rate or adjustable.

A post about a post? If you’re PKamp3 at, you get that leeway. Especially since the post he’s writing about was written by Nelson Smith at Financial Uproar. Nelson thinks the Canadian real estate market is grossly overvalued, not unlike the American one was a few years back. PKamp3 seconds that opinion and Nelson’s idea to short the stocks of 4 of Canada’s oligopolistic banks. Bubbles will do what they do, but that doesn’t stop Nelson from getting attacked by a bunch of overextended mortgage holders who decided to buy in one of North America’s 2 most expensive housing markets (Vancouver) and don’t want to hear his cool logic. Even better, the attacks are ad hominem. You see, Nelson’s allegedly stupid because he didn’t go to college. Meanwhile, the liberal arts majors who laid into debt-free and erudite Nelson are putting their pre-barista degrees (and concomitant student loans) to diligent use.

(Post rejected because it’s from a domain called Guys, would it kill you to pay a few dollars for a URL that shows you’re making an effort to stay current?)

That judge shouldn’t have punished Chad Johnson ( Johnson) for slapping his attorney on the posterior. No, according to Michael at Financial Ramblings, she should have done so for his staggering disdain for financial responsibility. A guy who once signed a $36 million contract is now spending money about 15 times faster than he’s bringing it in. And these days he’s only bringing in $3000 a month. If he were smart he’d cut out all his expenses (which he can’t, because most of them are court-ordered) and spend that $3000 on nothing but lottery tickets.

It’s not Chad Johnson-level stupid, but it only differs in degree: single mothers with limited income deciding to get away from the demanding world of watching soap operas and pressing buttons on a microwave so that they can attend college as mature students. Erin at Pay My Student Loans illustrates how such women can suck off the public teat and have federal and/or state taxpayers foot the bill for the same kind of useless degrees we made fun of 3 paragraphs ago. Post ends with a redundant chart that only a masochist would read through.

Bryan Chau at Success Pen Pal quotes Bruce Lee, who had a lot of truisms in his quiver for a guy who died at 32.

And that’s it. New stuff tomorrow, even more new stuff the following day. Thanks for reading.