Carnival of Wealth, Women Are Insane Edition


A woman was shot at Oscar Pistorius's house, so he called a paramedic.

A woman was shot at Oscar Pistorius’s house, so he called a paramedic.


This is Leah Malan, teen girlfriend of legless and soulless South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius. You read that right. His current girlfriend. You might remember her predecessor from a couple of years ago, who died when Pistorius oh for God’s sake no one can be stupid enough to believe this, can they? innocently mistook her for an intruder and did the reasonable thing by emptying an entire magazine into her abdomen and chest. 

Pistorius is shaping up to be a South African version of Phil Spector – not only uxoricidal, but offering repeated documented evidence that he has an open disdain for gun safety. And yet, he’s dated at least 3 consecutive attractive women, 2 of those age-inappropriate. (Here’s the girl he dumped for Reeva Steenkamp. The former was 17 at the time.) Yet he continues to pull.

“So you’re single? How did your last relationship end?”
“Don’t you read the news? I shot and killed her. But don’t worry, it was an accident.”

Even if it really was an accident, could you imagine that conversation taking place in your life? Here we have a nubbed guy who at the very least, even if he is the object of the most improbable of misunderstandings, is facing life in prison and international scorn. But on the other hand, he’s famous!

And yet women complain that they make 77¢ on the dollar. That’s still too high.

Ladies, you should be happy that super-competent Jason at Hull Financial Planning is out of the workforce, otherwise that wage discrepancy would be even higher. Jason went into business on his own, after a career as the ultimate employee: a soldier. (“Being in the army is great. They take all the guesswork out of life.” – Sgt. William Fontaine de la Tour Dauterive.) Jason puts to bed once and for all the notion that entrepreneurs like himself are risk-takers, balanced precipitously on the tightrope of perceived freedom while the alligator pit of reality sits below. Jason explains why he sold his company, how serendipitously the offer seemed to arrive, and ties it all together with a quote from Ted DiBiase père.

Please tell us you read about the 18-year-old brat in New Jersey who’s suing her parents for not paying for her college education. If you read only the headlines, she’s living with a friend while the friend’s attorney father files the suit. The girl is also coming as close to accusing her father of molesting her as she can without coming out and saying it, referring to him as “inappropriately affectionate.”

Have you seen her? Her name is Rachel Canning, and she’s not hard to look at. (Not as hot as her mom, though.) If Rachel hasn’t yet figured out how to get someone than her own father to buy her things, she never will. Joe Saul-Sehy at The Free Financial Advisor has plenty to say about her plight.

Andrew at 101 Centavos is one of our favorite submitters for several reasons, one of which is that he refuses to write obvious and trite garbage. This week he tells us which job interview questions not to ask. In the hands of almost any other blogger, that would mean stuff like “Can I leave early if I feel like it?” and “Do you test for heroin?” Andrew explains why seemingly innocuous questions such as “What’s this company’s management style?” and “How do I advance?” are just as stupid.

We live in a world of unfathomable variety. It was only a couple of generations ago, at least for some of us, that having a third set of clothes was a luxury. You had your work outfit and your Sunday best, and that was that. Our grandparents ate hardtack for breakfast or went without. These days, there are 10 varieties of chocolate Pop-Tart®. Not 10 varieties of Pop-Tart®, 10 varieties of just the chocolate ones. Yet some people can’t figure out why they’re barely staying afloat when bounty abounds. Here’s a paragraph from the amazing Pauline Paquin at Reach Financial Independence that we wish we had stolen to use as the introduction to our book:

It is getting a little too obvious that major companies want you to stay at your job for 45 years or more, and will put everything in place for you not to leave. So does the government. They want you to be good soldiers and keep paying income taxes. You have to be really strong to escape the system.

Yeah, but there’s a foosball table! And Birthday Edition Chocolate Vanilla Crème Pop-Tarts® in the break room!

Don’t read Pauline’s article and then end up missing the point. You don’t have to sweat over a hot stove for hours to feed yourself anymore, and can instead just indirectly devote mere minutes of cubicle-sitting to the task, but you need to understand the ramifications of that. Time remains money. You can use that newfound time, time that your ancestors never dreamed of, to make your life easier if you want. Or you can get on the treadmill of superfluous consumerism and end up a functional slave.

PKamp3 at is probably smarter than you. That’s why he can advocate dollar-cost averaging for even the dumbest among us. If you started monthly dollar-cost averaging your way through the NASDAQ at the worst possible time (March 2000, just before the crash in which it lost 3/4 of its value and has yet to recover), how would you be doing today? The answer will blow your mind.

Some bim named Kari Shea at SRE Connect (it stands for Shea Real Estate) thinks that not only are you dying to hear what the National Association of Home Builders thinks about the Senate ‘s new flood insurance bill, but that you’d rather read their press release on her site instead of theirs. If you really do care, here’s the original. Kari just reposted it verbatim for some reason, instead of spending that time showing houses.

That’s probably enough. It was probably enough a paragraph ago, but we never know when to quit. Listen to us on Joe Saul-Sehy’s Stacking Benjamins podcast, read us on Investopedia, check back here tomorrow. See yez.

The CYC Wayback Machine Revisited


They don't build tsunamis with past generations' money, do they?

They don’t build tsunamis with past generations’ money, do they?


A couple of years ago we wrote a piece for Investopedia about the inevitable self-destruction of Social Security. Here are the opening couple of paragraphs:

Ben Franklin’s most enduring axiom states that only death and taxes are inevitable. The byproduct of the two, Social Security, might not be.

Social Security, officially the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program, was founded in 1935. Like many political disasters, Social Security began with the best of intentions. President Franklin Roosevelt created it to guarantee workers an income once they retired. The rationale, if unspoken, was straightforward: private citizens couldn’t be trusted to save for retirement, so a forced savings plan administered by bureaucrats would do it for them.

Now if that doesn’t lure you in, nothing will. Go there and read it, and thank us for overworking ourselves to the point that we have to recycle old posts in between bouts of writing groundbreaking new pieces that will forever change public attitudes concerning personal finance. This really is God’s work that we’re doing. Thanks for reading it.