GUEST POST: Don’t Reach For The Middle

We found someone who wasn’t intimidated by our guest post guidelines. Nelson Smith, who blogs over at Financial Uproar. He’s one of the very few personal finance bloggers who can actually write. And he’s hilarious. And we agree with almost all of what he has to say. If you like this post, then he’d love for you to come check out his blog.

Few people notice how roomy it is on the right side of the curve.

I’m friends with a married couple, even though I’m single. Yeah, it’s a little weird.

This married couple is just like so many others. They’re both gainfully employed, combined they probably make close to $90k per year. They have reasonable housing costs and reasonable vehicle costs too, since they’re both smart enough to drive fully-paid-for used cars. They don’t spend excessive money on wants. They probably go out a little more than they should, but that’s fairly common for young people. Hell, I go out more often than I should, and I’m probably the third cheapest bastard on the whole internet.

On the surface, they don’t seem to be in bad financial shape. There’s no obvious place where they overspend. Yet, like so many others, they struggle to make ends meet every month. Are they morons? Well… yes. But they’ve got numbers on their side.

If this couple complains to me about their finances one more time, I’ll strangle their puppy. They easily make enough to pay for bills and to save for a rainy day. This shouldn’t be that hard. Why are they struggling so much? Here’s a snapshot of some of the excess in their lives:

– an alarm system ($40 per month)
– unlimited long distance ($20 per month)
– movie rental subscriptions ($25 per month)
– overdraft charges ($40 per month)
– new shoes from some website ($40 per month)
– a dog (>$50 per month)

Chances are, you’re practically blinded with outrage right now. What morons! Who gets a perpetual liability (that’s the dog) when they can barely afford to make ends meet? Who needs new shoes every month? They literally go to work and leave the house unlocked, yet pay for an alarm system. There’s hundreds of dollars more that they could cut from their budget tomorrow if they were serious about cutting. It doesn’t take a financial genius to figure out they’re wasting money. Why don’t they just do it?

Because they don’t care.

Most people sit in kind of a financial purgatory. They don’t get themselves in too much trouble, yet they never bother to get ahead. Every month they essentially break even. Because they have no financial sense, they pat themselves on the back for not getting any further in the hole. They slowly make progress on their student loans or credit cards, even eventually paying them off. Once they do, they decide they can now afford another payment, so they buy a new car. They rinse and repeat until sweet, sweet death saves them from their never-ending avalanche of payments.

Okay, not really. But they don’t get wealthy, that’s for sure.

As the writers here at Control Your Cash advocate tirelessly, the key to wealth is quite simple. Buy assets. Sell liabilities. Keep doing these things until you become wealthy. I guarantee if my friends read that golden rule, they’d understand it. Yet they have just about zero hope of ever implementing it. They’re just not PFers.

For those of you unfamiliar with the term, a PFer is a personal finance geek. PFers check their bank balances more than once a week. PFers constantly look for ways to trim the excess from their budgets. PFers spend more time on their budgets than their sex lives. PFers… well, you get the idea.

Most of the people who’ll ever regularly read this blog are PFers. Some just stumbled here looking for really snarky posts on the lottery or something. Most of us are people trying to move in one direction- toward wealth. And since we hang around each other so much, we often forget just how different we are than most other people.

What I’m going to propose just might shock and appall you, but that’s kind of what I do. After all, my blog is called Financial Uproar. It isn’t called Sunshine Flowers Puppy Personal Finance Hug Hour. I try to tell it like it is, just like the fine folks here at Control Your Cash. And that’s why we’ll be friends forever. Well, that and our friendship bracelets. You did get my friendship bracelet, right Greg? (Ed. note: No.)

What was I talking about again? Right. Here’s what you should do about your friends’ bad financial habits – absolutely nothing. You should give no advice. You should avoid bringing up money topics. They’ll complain about how their financial life sucks, but you should offer no advice past the most simple of concepts. Do not get involved in their finances one bit. And for the love of God, never lend them a dime.

No matter what the accomplishment, the impetus for change has to come from within. If your friends are going to improve their finances, they have to do it. No amount of prodding or helping on your part will get them to change. They have to get to whatever their breaking point is. Your help won’t do squat, as much as you think it might.

Most people will never reach that point. They’ll have a mortgage payment for most of their adult lives. They’ll cash out equity from their house to take vacations and buy cars and pay for their kids’ weddings, because they’re morons. They’ll think they’re doing well because they’ll compare themselves to the masses instead of comparing themselves to the wealthy. 

Chances are that if they’re not already on the path of wealth, they’ll never become any higher than middle-class. No matter how much you want to help, it’ll ultimately fall on deaf ears. You can’t help somebody who doesn’t want to help themselves. Or, more accurately, you can’t help someone who doesn’t think they have a problem.

**This article is featured in the Yakezie Carnival -Newbie Edition**

**This article is featured in the Totally Money Carnival #32-A Flood of Great Articles**


We’re scrapping the ads. And therefore raising the viewing price.

The anti-capitalist manifesto from Macmillan Publishers, a division of the $2 billion Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group. Oh GOD I hope Naomi Klein sues us for unauthorized use of the No Logo logo.

Just kidding, we aren’t. Nor would we. Nor would such a move do anything but reduce our readership, which is something we’re trying to take in the other direction, thanks.

People love to complain about advertising – not about its artistic or propagandic merits, but about the medium itself. It’s intrusive. It’s unnecessary. It’s wasteful.

No, commercials make stuff awesome. Banner ads, too. If you’ve got the space, monetize it. Your business, whether home-based or otherwise, needs to generate all the revenue it can. If you think that’s going to somehow compromise your soul, you don’t know what a soul is.

It's disgusting. Look at that intrusive Riddell logo, ruining everything and commercializing the sanctity of sports. Is it so important that they emblazon their name on their product? After all, the product's already been sold. Americans really are the most shamelessly media-saturated people on Earth. I weep for us as a nation.


See, the Brits have it right. Here we see AIG's own Wayne Rooney, who plays for the Nike Red Devils, sponsored by an entity called Manchester United, which is a local airline or trucking company or something.

Commercials make television (essentially) free. They make magazines really cheap, assuming you’re among the dwindling few millions who read magazines. For instance, Time sells for $5. Apparently 3.3 million people still read Time, which is an amazing enough superlative in itself, but here’s an even bigger one: 75% of Time’s revenue comes from advertising. So if you removed the ads, you’d be left with a magazine that would a) run about 30 pages and b) have to sell for $20 to generate the same revenue.

If Time sold for $20, Time wouldn’t sell. We may complain about advertising, but it makes things cost less.

We preach again and again at Control Your Cash the wisdom of being a free rider. Free ridership means letting credit card companies charge whatever interest rates they want to the people willing to pay them: and while they do that, you can be the person who enjoys the convenience of buying things while not having to pay for them for up to 60 days (while earning rewards in the process.)

There are myriad ways to be a free rider (or at least, a discounted rider.) You do this every time you buy a coach airline ticket. Laugh or look disdainfully at the people in first class all you want, but you should be kissing their rings: their overpriced tickets subsidize your underpriced ones, letting you fly for less than you otherwise would. For another example, supermarkets historically sold milk at less than cost, the strategy being that if they kept it in the far corner of the store you’d be tempted by all the high-markup items on your way to find the cheap milk.

Wikipedia (heck, most of the internet) works the same way. Enjoy the free content, while letting others donate.

(Save your comments. This isn’t an ethical issue, and it’s not stealing. Wikipedia’s managers don’t charge to access the site, and no one ordered them not to. Same deal with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.)

The Time magazine numbers above were largely estimates, albeit ones we researched. Here’s an example of an advertising subsidy that we can calculate to the penny:

The entry-level Amazon Kindle (yes, we’re mentioning it again) sells for $139 at the only place you can buy it, Amazon. They recently came out with an ad-supported version for $25 less. Apparently the phrase “ad-supported” didn’t test well, so they went with the indirect “Kindle with Special Offers” instead.

Amazon had a lot of leeway with ad placement – they could have stuck a full-screen ad between every two pages of a book, or put a rotating banner at the bottom of each page. Instead, they didn’t even do as much as that. The advertising consists of just a screen saver (which doesn’t even show up until you’ve gone 10 minutes without touching the Kindle), and an unobtrusive banner on the main page.

Commercialization is nothing to apologize for. If your school district is hemorrhaging money, which it is, why not bring in extra cash while making no fundamental changes? Heck, even the freaking Grand Canyon comes with the occasional subtle and suitably placed corporate logo.

And you know what? Not only is it not the end of the world, it frees up capital to go in places where it can do some good. The more money this site makes, the more inclined we are to write good posts. And keep you coming back. And bringing your friends. And increasing our readership so we can charge more for ads.

(Thanks to our wonderful sponsors – CorpNet, Cash4Laptops, Amazon, Shoeboxed and more. That’s Shoeboxed, digitizing your receipts and other documents since 2006.)

**This article is featured in the Yakezie Carnival-Best of Yakezie this week**

The Easiest Money You’ll Ever Make

Here’s what you need:

1. 20% of the price of a house, condo or townhome.
2. A few months’ worth of patience.

Welcome to the lucrative world of lease options. They’re a way to increase your wealth with almost zero downside.

Lease-option holder. Still, you probably want one who uses a bottle opener

A lease option involves you buying a second home, renting it out, and giving the tenant the choice (or “option”, if you will) of buying the home once the lease expires. What makes the lease option so wonderful for the average landlord – correspondingly less so for the average tenant – is that you can charge above-market rates throughout the lease. After all, you’re doing the tenant the favor of letting her own the house after a year (or whichever term) expires. It’s like a layaway plan for what the hackneyed expression calls “the biggest investment you’ll ever make.” You let your tenant lock in a price for the house, essentially saying “You can buy the house for $x a year from now, regardless of what the market does. What’s a better deal than that?”

Meh…I don’t know. I’d have to charge an awful lot more than market rents to make it worth my while, if I’m going to have to surrender the asset within a year.

First, kudos for understanding that the house in question is an asset, and can help you grow your wealth regardless of what market conditions are doing.

My pleasure. You do realize that I’m not an actual person, and merely a device of your own creation that you use to clarify your thoughts, right? You’re talking to yourself.

Anyhow, you can typically charge at least 10% above market rent on a lease option. But that’s not really important. What’s important is this:

Most tenants never pick up the option. When the time comes for them to exercise it, it turns out they didn’t spend the previous year saving the requisite cash for a down payment. That’s one reason why they’re renting instead of owning in the first place. Renters, by and large, aren’t as bright as landlords. (Hopefully the smart-but-sensitive renters reading this can comprehend the phrase “by and large”.)

A lease option is similar to stock options, or commodity futures – you’re assuming market risk for the tenant. Real estate prices might rise 50% in the next year, but you’re offering the tenant a chance to lock in a price today. If your $100,000 house ends up being worth $150,000 a year from now, you, the landlord, will have forgone $50,000.

Of course prices could fall, too. Should they, even by just 1%, you’re protected. Obviously your tenant isn’t going to exercise an option to buy a $99,000 house for $100,000. Which means free money for you: you just received a year’s worth of premium rent payments that went well beyond covering your mortgage payments. That’s the ultimate hedge against a declining real estate market.

And if the market rises, rather than declines, you as the landlord still won’t necessarily get screwed. Again, the typical tenant doesn’t plan far ahead enough to take advantage of the lease-option. If the house does indeed rise in value 50%, and theoretically turns into an immediate $50,000 bonus for your tenant, she still needs to exercise the option. That isn’t easy. For an FHA loan, she’d need to put down 3 1/2% to buy the house from you. If she can’t put the necessary down payment on the house together once the lease expires, her opportunity will disappear and she’ll be back where she started, with no equity in a home and a rent payment due at the end of the month. (Actually, the tenant will be several steps behind where she started; now with 12 months of rent payments gone forever.)

Let’s see how this works in practice.

Say you buy a $100,000 house with 20% down. We’re assuming 20%, so you won’t have to pay mortgage insurance. At current 30-year fixed mortgage rates of 4 1/2%, that means you’d be making monthly payments of $405.35. You find a tenant who wants to own a home one day, and offer her a lease-option. Once you do, there are two ways you can do this.

Get the lease-option money up front, or
Spread it over the course of the lease.

Let’s assume a 1-year lease, and that fair-market rent is $450 a month. That’s what you’d charge an ordinary tenant who has no intention of buying the place. That ordinary tenant would pay $900 up front (1st month’s rent + security deposit).

With a lease option, you could ask for an extra $450 payment up front, and let the security deposit apply to the down payment if the tenant exercises the option (which she probably won’t.) Now you get a total of $1350 up front, $450 of which the tenant will never see again, after a year expires and she’s nowhere near amassing the down payment that would guarantee her the house.

Or instead of getting an additional $450 up front, you could just raise the monthly rent. Using our rule of thumb from above, of charging a 10% premium, that means you’d collect monthly rent payments of $495. Now you’re getting an extra $89.65 a month (the difference between the rent you collect and your mortgage payment) simply for getting the tenant to sign one additional piece of paper. Even better, your lease-option tenant is going to be a little more motivated than the average tenant to keep the place looking nice and in good repair. After all, the lease-option tenant hopes to own the place, and relatively shortly.

By the way, that $45 premium applies to the option only. Technically, it’s not even part of the rent even though you’re collecting it every month. If the tenant doesn’t exercise the option, you keep the premium payments.

Imagine test-driving a car for a year, and paying for the privilege.

Again, like in any deal, you’ve got to look at the potential downside: the tenant might be one of the responsible few who actually exercises the option. In this unlikely case, at the end of the lease you’d refund the tenant $990 (or $900, if we’re using our initial scenario of getting the lease-option money up front.) Now the tenant only has to scrounge up $2,510 (or $2,600) to take title of the house under an FHA loan. And she’d still have to make prohibitive mortgage insurance payments. Or she could put 20% down and avoid mortgage insurance, which means she’d need to have saved $19,010 (or $19,100.) As if.

And even if that does happen, you’ve still got a year’s worth of above-market profits to show for it. Plus, you won’t be obligated to your mortgage lender for the next 29 years. Theoretically you could buy another house and do the same thing again. Remember, the tenant is only going to exercise the option if she has a) sufficient fiscal discipline to sock away money for a year, but b) so little fiscal discipline that she’s renting instead of owning in the first place. That’s a tiny, tiny area of overlap.

Wednesday, Part II of how to steal make money with a lease-option.

**This article is featured in the Carnival of Wealth #48**

**This article is featured in the Totally Money Blog Carnival-It’s So Hot Edition**