Our big beautiful new site and GIVEAWAY

If our website was a human, it'd look like this

Or this.

It’s finally up, largely thanks to the prettier half of the Control Your Cash team. Remember that hideous amalgamation of ugly coding and open tags that we used to call a website?  Yeah, neither do we. Things we learned while putting this current site together:

-Joomla! is slow and counterintuitive, as least for us.
-Everyone hates their host, us included.
-Only hire a company named Graphic Intrigue if you want missed deadlines, forgetful salespeople, zero artistic vision and the kind of socially stilted programmers who fit the stereotype. Also, because our site’s called Control Your Cash, we’re not going to tell you how much money we flushed down that particular urinal.

But enough. The new site’s up and you can actually take it home to Mom and not be embarrassed. To celebrate, we’re giving away the figurative store. Specifically, the following stuff:

A $100 American Express gift card, from Ask Mr Credit Card.

A $75 Amazon gift card, courtesy of Jeff at Deliver Away Debt.

A copy of TurboTax Premier – the same program Len Penzo uses when paying his annual tribute to Uncle Sam.

A copy of TurboTax Deluxe from Jeremy at Gen X Finance.

A $25 Amazon gift card from Kevin at Invest It Wisely. (Note: while Kevin and his site are Canadian – you can tell by his repeated use of the phrase “soya sauce” – the gift card is denominated in U.S. dollars.)

$25 PayPal cash from Max at Maximizing Money. That’s right, he’s just going to give you (somebody) money.

A $15 Amazon gift card from Ray at Squirrelers.

A copy of Money Academy for Couples, the e-book by Neal Frankle of Wealth Pilgrim.

Another copy of Money Academy for Couples.

Would you believe a 3rd copy of Money Academy for Couples? You should. This is no ordinary giveaway.

And of course, autographed copies of Control Your Cash. (Or if you prefer, Kindle copies that can’t be autographed but are infinitely more convenient.)

Here’s how to win:

1 point – “Like” us on Facebook
2 points
– Follow us on Twitter
5 points
– Tweet about “ControlYourCash.com”
6 points
– Comment on our blog, on a post dated after January 2011. “YOu’re blog is awsome” is not a comment.
7 points – Subscribe to our RSS feed. Yes, you get 7 points for performing the demanding task of clicking on that link.
20 points
– Review our book at Amazon or BN.com. A real review, not one line about how awesome the book is. You don’t even have to say the book is awesome. Say it stinks if you want, just write a review that proves that you read it.
500 points
– Book us for a signing at your bookstore (chain, independent, whatever)
1000 points
– Book either of us for at least 2 segments on your radio show. A real radio show, not you on the internet with a tin can and zero listeners.
2000 points
– Same thing for TV.
5000 points
– Book either of us to speak to your group of at least 20. (We’re serious. See here.)
150,000 points – Hire a skywriter to spell ControlYourCash.com over a major American city.

Every point is an entry in our drawing; we’ll amass the totals March 19. Check back often: we might be giving away more stuff, conditional on the generosity of our fellow bloggers. And thanks again for making us the fastest-growing site in personal finance (a wholly unverifiable claim.)

3 personal finance books that aren’t horrible

Don't cry. Your copy of Buffettology should be in there somewhere

The list itself is tiny, although this introduction isn’t. Most personal finance books are garbage.

Anything that includes worksheets, don’t buy. It’s a gimmick to increase the page count of a book, and besides, you’re never going to fill out the worksheets. No one does.

Ramit Sethi will tell you you’re an idiot. Dave Ramsey will patronize you. Suze Orman will draw you into an endless maelstrom of ancillary CDs, DVDs, sassy hair and pantsuits. The personal finance bloggers who hawk books – they know who they are – will do something even worse, which is repackage patently obvious information and call it a book. If you need to be told that you should spend less than you earn, build an emergency fund, and comparison shop before buying something expensive; and you couldn’t have determined that on your own, a reading list should be the last thing on your mind. Worry about food and shelter first, then move onto mastering fire and understanding the wheel.

Here are some personal finance books we don’t hate. Again, it’s a microscopic list.
The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham with annotation by Jason Zweig

Benjamin Graham is the guy who taught Warren Buffett everything he knows. He wrote this guide to stock investing a long time ago, in a vernacular that can put you to sleep at times. Zweig, who writes for The Wall Street Journal, freshens the work up and contemporizes it.

The Wall Street Journal Complete Personal Finance Guidebook – Jeff Opdyke

It’s informative and comprehensive despite being short. Still, that didn’t stop Robert Rubin. The only downside is that Opdyke is the guy who writes that insufferable “Love & Money” weekend column that lots of local newspapers pick up for their business sections. Endless stories about what it’s like to have a wife and kids while holding down a job, something no one in the history of the world did before Opdyke. Fortunately, he mostly keeps this book free of such tedium.

Wow. That’s all we could think of? Apparently.

That just reinforces why we wrote Control Your Cash: Making Money Make Sense. It was the personal finance book we wanted to read, but no one had yet written it, so…

Get our book, and get it on Kindle. Buy a Kindle – the latest regulation-size one is $139 from Amazon and you can probably get a new one for less on eBay. You can take notes with the keyboard, and another labor-saving feature is that you can select memorable clips with the press of a button (they end up in their own easily accessible file.) Beats using a highlighter and hoping it doesn’t bleed over to the preceding or succeeding page. If you’re worrying about the formatting of Control Your Cash on a Kindle, don’t. The charts are easy to read and the footnotes line up just fine.

(The Kindle endorsement is moot if you don’t read, of course. But then again, you’re on a website that’s mostly text, and you’re on that website’s recommended reading list page.)

**This post is featured in the Totally Money Carnival: Presidential Quotes Edition**


**The Festival of Stocks Berkshire Hathaway 2010 Annual Letter Edition**

Nothing says “I love you” like the actual words

Come on in! We're having a special on 2002 Valentine's Day gifts!

So say it. By talking, not by impoverishing yourself.

It’s tough to determine whether Mothers Day or Valentine’s Day is the biggest crock of garbage on the retail liturgical calendar. After a few seconds of weighing this, we’ll go with Mothers Day. At least Valentine’s Day has been celebrated for centuries*.

This isn’t an anti-capitalistic jeremiad. Spend all the money you want, but at least spend it on something of value. Look, we’re not sociologists. Nor are we in that camp of reactionaries who think that consumerism and its sidekick, advertising, are the work of the devil. But come on. If you’ve seen the messages and feel even a hint of obligation toward spending money on something with minimal inherent value, we can come over there and slap you if that’s what it takes. There are plenty of Western customs you can honor (shaking hands, exhibiting good table manners, failing to torture cats) without throwing money away.

Just look at the slogans:

Helzberg Diamonds: “I am loved.”

Ergo, any woman who isn’t in a relationship with a Helzberg customer is being taken for granted and/or treated like garbage.

It’s the same as that “2 months’ salary” rule of thumb that jewelers came up with sometime in the mid-20th century and somehow got a grossly gullible public to swallow. Think about that for a second – an industry suggests that you should spend 1/6 of your annual income on its product, and people take it to heart.

Imagine if an industry that produces something far more useful – like groceries, or better yet, health insurance – tried to get away with that reasoning.

Seriously. Mental exercise time. What if an HMO used a similar tactic?

Hi. We’re your friends at CIGNA. Do you have enough protection against unforeseen accidents and illnesses? You never know when disaster might strike you or your loved ones, and possibly turn into tragedy. That’s why we recommend that you spend at least 10% of your pre-tax income on coverage. It’s a small price to pay to minimize the childhood leukemia deaths in your family.

The only question is which senator would chair the 2011 hearings on Unconscionable Advertising Messages Foisted By A Mercenary Industry On The Public. Our money’s on Chuck Schumer.

If you want to listen to a jeweler’s message, Zales’ slogan from the 1940s is particularly forthright, especially if you contemporize it for inflation – “A penny down and a dollar a week.”

The practice of buying jewelry, especially at this time of year, is the loudest and most imbecilic real-world rebuttal of Control Your Cash Mantra #1 – bolded, italicized and underlined here for your pleasure: Buy assets, sell liabilities.

Finance something if there’s a legitimate economic reason for it – the example we give repeatedly is homebuying. If you want a house, better to finance it than to pay rent for years and years when you could have been enjoying a home on credit. Even if your circumstances lead you to disagree with that sentiment – you live in an area with a chronically poor housing market, or your data indicates that it’ll become one before you plan to move out of any house you might buy – you have to agree that at least a house has utility. Financing a car is harder to justify than financing a house, but again, utility: we still haven’t developed a more efficient way to get from point A to point B at your leisure (assuming points A and B are on land) than by driving.

Where’s the utility in a non-industrial diamond? You’re not going to use it as a drill bit. No, it’s a totem of some emotion that you can only truly convey with actions, not expensive objects.

We’d include a chart showing how much what you spent on that tennis bracelet could grow to over the next x years, but you’ve seen similar charts before and the inevitable conclusion is so obvious that it doesn’t require mathematical reinforcement.

If you don’t care about your future together, act like you mean it: by dropping money on – or better yet, financing – a shiny trinket.

And ladies, if you need a bauble to validate your relationship, or your man, you’re one step above your colleagues whose husbands smoke cigars. (Why not just wear a button that says, “With all the tasty parts of me available to put in his mouth, he instead chooses the foulest-smelling thing this side of the public toilets in Calcutta. No, no hypermasculine phallic symbolism to see here”?)

Look, moments don’t sparkle. And if they do, it’s only a figure of speech. A Vermont Teddy Bear might not be imaginative, but it’s fun to hold. More importantly, the recipient isn’t going to wear it in public – making it a private token of a relationship that you shouldn’t be sharing with the rest of us anyway. And, the one we researched on their website costs only $80.

*If you care about this kind of arcana, the idea that the Hallmark Corporation created Mothers Day is an urban legend. Mothers Day is the brainchild of Anna Jarvis, a 19th century woman who wanted to honor her own mother. Jarvis mère spent the Civil War attending to wounded soldiers, both Blue and Gray. Jarvis fille, as women often do, kept pestering the authorities to make the holiday official. She died poor and childless.

**This post is featured in the Carnival of Wealth #27**