Not that kind of euro. Alright, as long as we're making jokes, and this is probably the 3rd image we've run of a guy with a purse, what is the purpose behind this? What does a man ever need to carry beyond keys (one pocket), a wallet (another pocket), and a phone (third pocket)? With a standard 4-pocket pair of pants, that leaves one pocket free for lollipops to give to itinerant children.


Unless we’re stuck in a foreign airport, the vast majority of us don’t exchange currencies. But good Lord, do we hear about it. Will (European country) drop the euro? Will its value fall through the floor? Is the recent talk about the euro’s troubles just an indirect ploy to get us to buy gold? How does this affect the U.S. economy?

Nobody knows anything. Nor does anyone remember anything.

Financial journalists have to report every 1¢ swing in the value of the euro as of great significance. Each movement the markets make in a given day – even a given hour – is reported upon ad nauseam. Why? Honestly, the biggest reason is that there’s a 24-hour news cycle to fill. It’s human nature to overemphasize the importance of how we each choose to spend our time. If you don’t believe that, find a teacher and listen to her yammer about how important her job is. The same applies to everyone whose job it is to provide you with financial information. Something utterly unimportant – the euro losing a tiny bit of its value vis-a-vis the dollar – can inspire a 6-person roundtable discussion on CNBC.

That being said, some wags are already calling for the euro’s funeral dirge. Here’s why, kind of:

The euro entered the world on the first day of 1999, trading at $1.174. A year later, it fell to the point where it equaled the dollar for the first time. That fall the euro sank to its nadir, around 84¢. It again outvalued the dollar in July of 2002, briefly (and barely) dipped below again, and has been worth at least a dollar since that November. In July of 2008 it reached its zenith, trading at $1.58. Now it sits at around $1.32, and that alone gives many cause to question the euro’s future.

The euro is the national currency of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Andorra, Montenegro, Kosovo, Vatican City, San Marino, Monaco, Slovenia, Slovakia, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Finland, Estonia, Cyprus and Austria.

Notice any European country missing?

Yes, Switzerland too. We were thinking of a nation slightly larger. Come on, you can do this. Bad food, no fluoride, used to have an Empire that the sun never set on?

Correct, the United Kingdom.

In 1990, back when the euro was not even a foul thought in its father’s head (a line stolen from Phil Hendrie for just such an occasion), Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was steadfast in her opposition to eventually dropping the pound sterling in favor of a transnational currency. Steadfast, and outnumbered. Her objections had nothing to do with convenience, national pride or exchangeability. They were much more pragmatic.

Thatcher argued, in print no less, that a modern and robust economy – we’ll call it Country A – and a basket case like Country B can’t share a currency. For one thing, a transnational currency would lower (and has lowered) interest rates. The weaker the replaced national currency, the greater the decrease in the interest rate. Which makes sense – a transnational replacement currency is necessarily weaker than the strong currencies it replaced and stronger than the weak ones it replaced. The interest rate is the price of money. The cheaper money is – i.e., the less it costs to borrow – the lower the interest rate. The countries that had weak currencies going in, such as Portugal and Italy, now found it easier to borrow money. And borrow they did.

Greece, too. Thatcher even mentioned Greece by name. It’s “Country B” above. Country A is Germany, Europe’s most powerful.

There are legitimate advantages to a weak currency; one weak when compared to others, that is (as contrasted with one weak when compared to itself historically.) For one thing, it makes exports cheaper. The U.S. dollar has lost around 10% of its value relative to the New Zealand dollar over the past year. American exporters who would never have been competitive enough to sell to Kiwis before have a brand new market/clientele. To a New Zealander, American goods are now that much cheaper. When a small country has the weak currency and larger countries have the comparatively strong ones, the effect on the small country’s potential for exports (and hence growth) is even greater. But the American dollar and the New Zealand dollar are necessarily different and unequal. It’s when two countries’ currencies should differ, but are prevented from doing so, that problems exacerbate.

Trouble arises when a small country (Greece) can now borrow more money than it did under its old currency, while sharing the new currency with stronger economies. When the euro become reality, it artificially made Greece’s currency more robust while doing the opposite to Germany’s. Greece could borrow more than before. And did. Boy, did it ever. Overextended itself, couldn’t pay its bills. So Germany, by virtue of being the local heavyweight, has to lend billions to Greece. If it doesn’t, Greece has incentive to quit the euro. A less-circulated euro means other weak countries would want to follow suit.

This is what the pound sterling has done with respect to the euro since the latter’s inception. The higher the graph, the stronger the pound. The Brits might be buying goods cheaply from the continent while having to sell them elsewhere, but at least they’re not worrying about their currency imploding.

One more thing. To use the euro, a country needs to qualify. (Several other countries are in line to adopt it as their currency: Latvia, Lithuania, and Denmark, among others.) Qualification means keeping inflation and long-term interest rates under particular thresholds, and the same for debt and deficit (relative to gross domestic product.)

Guess what? When all a government has to do to get access to cheap money is provide certain numbers to the European Central Bank, that government wants those numbers to look as good as possible. Honesty is at best a secondary goal here. The Greeks lied through their ouzo-scented teeth. The Portuguese, Italians and Spaniards weren’t all that forthright either. But now, it’s too late for the ECB to say, “No, you have to go back to your original currency.” Don’t think for a moment that something similar couldn’t happen in the United States, with a Department of the Treasury telling enough lies to keep the cheap money flowing. There’s no transnational currency for the U.S. to back out of, but there’s plenty of economic havoc to wreak.

It’s hard to appreciate how an artifice can create such damage, but it can. In a healthy system, currencies can trade against each other in the open market, correcting imbalances and reinforcing the economic soundness of each currency’s issuing government. When drachma and marken are operating as de jure equals, Greece eats itself into a coma. Which Germany then has to arouse.

“Adapt or die” is a truism throughout life. It’s hard to adapt when you’re forcefully prevented from doing so.

This article is featured in:

**The Carnival of Personal Finance 357: Hotel Room Edition**

Seychelles By The Seashore


There are 843,000 shades of blue in this picture


How far can your dollar go? About 8400 miles, if you start in New York.

We wondered which currencies have lost the most value in the last year against the United States dollar – in other words, which places provide a relative bargain for Americans just by virtue of currency fluctuations. Because we don’t have kids, we had enough time to sift through the currencies of all 200+ nations and dependencies and find the answers.

Which isn’t as much work as it sounds, for several reasons. There are plenty of multinational currencies; not only the euro, but the East Caribbean dollar and the CFA franc. At least a couple dozen of the remaining countries fix their currency to the U.S. dollar. As a rule, the more your economy relies on American investment, the tighter the relationship. The Bahamas* doesn’t even pretend: their dollar has been interchangeable with the U.S. dollar for decades. (Well, not everywhere. A U.S. dollar is more readily accepted in Freeport than a Bahamian one is in Chicago.)

Some other currencies are fixed to still other currencies – the St. Helena pound is fixed to the pound sterling for reasons that are hopefully obvious.

Here’s what we found, and we’re pretty sure we didn’t miss anybody:


% loss relative to
US$ in 1 year
Seychellois rupee13.65
Hungarian forint11.76
Ghanan cedi10.90
Gambian dalasi10.45
Turkish lira9.29
Malawian kwacha9.09
Zambian kwacha8.70
Indian rupee8.56
Serbian dinar8.09
Mosotho losi7.97
Swazi lilangeni7.91
Namibian dollar7.58
Argentine peso7.56
Nepali rupee7.09


“Mosotho” is the demonym for Lesotho. Don’t you people read? Rounding out
our countdown are the Czech koruna (5.75), Croatian kuna (5.74), Mexican peso (5.43), West African CFA franc (4.76), Central African CFA franc (4.55), and Albanian lek (4.08).

Well, that’s certainly diverse. Climbing up the list we find a bunch of African countries few of you could find on a map, and a central European country that everyone’s familiar with, but that no one’s ever thought of visiting unless they were planning to invade.

But wait, what’s that at the top of the list? Why, it’s a perfect storm of opportunity, that’s what it is. A nation that not only has the currency that declined the most relative to the U.S. dollar in the past year, but that was practically designed by God for you to visit and spend your money in.

Seychelles. The word even sounds paradisiacal. And it’s as good a place to visit now as anywhere, for what your dollar can buy. Just click that link and look. (This isn’t a paid post, by the way. We just started with a question – “What interesting financial data can we share with you, preferably something no one’s ever bothered to figure out before?” – and it led us here.)

We came within a few hundred miles of Seychelles a few years ago and are still kicking ourselves for not hopping on one more plane.

When buying a big-ticket item like a vacation, why wouldn’t you go somewhere that’s essentially holding a 14% sale on everything? Foreigners from places with correspondingly stronger currencies do it all the time, converting their kronor and renminbi to greenbacks and then spewing them all over Orlando, Vegas and Hawai’i before scuttling back to whatever soccer-playing nation they started in.

The same goes for starting a business, importing goods, finding child brides and so on. Depending on how large you want to go, a visit to Seychelles (or any of the other countries on the list) could end up being cheaper than a trip to Branson. Either way, putting an exotic stamp in your passport and getting out of your comfort zone will make your life far more interesting.

Hungary has tourism too, apparently. According to the websites, the big thing to do there is to see the Danube and walk around Budapest. What Hungary lacks in beaches, it certainly makes up for in architecture, war cemeteries, inclement weather and perogies.

Actually, that’s not fair. It turns out Hungary is the 13th-most visited country in the world, although that’s a little misleading. (When you’re surrounded by other countries, it’s easy to have lots of international visitors. To insular American minds, “international travel” often involves crossing an ocean. In Europe and much of the rest of the world, not so much.) 98% of visitors to Hungary are European, and we’d bet that an even higher percentage of visitors to Ghana and The Gambia are African.

To satisfy everyone’s curiosity (and our sense of completion), and seeing as we already did the work, which nation’s currency gained the most vs. the U.S. dollar in the past year?


New Zealander dollar+9.49


Let your Kiwi pals visit you, instead of the other way around. They can return the favor when/if the New Zealand dollar loses enough value to make it worth your while.


*Trivia time: What do Russia and the Bahamas (and no other countries) have in common? They’re the only ones to share a sea border (but not a land border) with the U.S.

The Only Credit Card(s) You’ll Ever Need

The worst credit card ever. Why? $7500 fee.

If you missed Wednesday’s post, today’s is Part II of the final (for now), definitive discussion on which credit card you should get. You need one that’ll protect you fully against fraud (discussed Wednesday), and one that gives you the best smorgasbord of rewards.

The problem with the latter criterion is that most rewards are retarded. Examples:

You don’t need any of these things. Well, you need tires, and maybe yoga pants. Maybe even NFL memorabilia, if you’re 12 years old, but that means you’re too young to have a credit card anyway.

The problem is that having these particular pieces of cheese at the end of the maze gives you incentive to change your buying behavior. Should you spend your last $50 on that tchotchke? Well, if it gets you that much closer to a “free” bouquet from ProFlowers, why not? Besides, this Friday is payday.

Most any credit card reward in the form of a discrete item is going to be something you build toward, rather than something you earn instantly. If a furniture store-branded card gives you 5% of your bill back in the form of armoire credits, you’re going to have to spend a few thousand dollars before you can redeem anything.

You want CASH. A flat percentage returned to you for every purchase you make. Discover was the first to do this, and it worked beautifully. Get 1% back, in $20 increments, and you don’t have to change your behavior.

Think about how much it costs the branded cards to provide you with their rewards. Macy’s sells its clothing for a 100% markup or thereabouts. That generous 3% reward rate they’re offering you dwindles to 1½% when you look at it from their perspective. Also, you can only wear so many clothes. And let’s not even get into gimmicks like the “monthly cardholder savings event”, in which the store keeps the lights on an hour longer for the idiots it wooed with such “generosity”, does so to make the gullible feel privileged, then gets all its money back and then some.

This bears repeating: get the card with the highest cash rewards. There’s more to it than simply looking at percentages. A card that offers 1½% should be better than one that offers 1¼%, but if the former pays you only in $150 increments (i.e., you have to buy $10,000 worth of stuff) while the latter pays in $20 increments, then you might want the latter unless you spend an awful lot.

So what card to get? It’s easy. First, only look at cards that don’t charge a fee. If this isn’t obvious, God help you. And that means cards that never charge a fee: not “no fee for the first 2 years, then $95.”  It’s a competitive market. Free cards are there for the asking.

Read the agreement.
Then read it again.
84% of the problems in the world could be solved if everyone did that.

Then figure out what cash rewards card fits you best. Looking at the above example, we’ve got:

Card A, which gives you a $150 credit every time you buy $10,000 worth of stuff. If you buy $9999 worth of stuff, you don’t see a dime until you spend another dollar.
Card B, which gives you a $20 credit every time you buy $1600 worth of stuff.

If you ring up $10,000 in purchases every month (some people do), get Card A. In a typical month, you’ll be $30 ahead of where you’d be if you got Card B.

If you’re not quite at the level of the big spender in the first example, and charge, say, $800 a month, you might want to (but don’t necessarily want to) get Card B. You’ll receive a $20 credit every couple of months, as opposed to waiting well over a year to receive $150 with Card A.

“Points” are for idiots. With every purchase, you want pennies, not points. Well, there’s one exception. Slight hypocrisy alert:

If you know you’re going to patronize a certain business anyway, then it might make sense to go with the rewards. Hear us out. We probably mentioned it someplace on the blog (can’t be bothered to look), definitely in the book, but we use a particular hotelier’s American Express rewards card. Only because we know we’re going to stay in this chain’s hotels a few times a month anyway.

Does that tie us to this chain? Maybe a little, but if we can redeem a free night while their closest competitor is holding a fire sale, we’ll stay with the competitor and save the free night for a later date. Plus, it’s American Express (see universality, above.) If we never left the United States we’d probably go with a Discover straight 1% cash back card.

Assuming there’s no particular retailer you’re already spending significant money with, i.e. you wouldn’t be changing your behavior to patronize that retailer, get a Discover card. Or if you travel out of the country, an American Express Blue Cash Everyday card (not the Blue Cash Preferred, which costs $75 a year. Which we trust you’d notice when you read the agreement, instead of taking our word for it.)

Glad we could help. Tell us where we’re wrong:

**This article is featured in the Yakezie Carnival October 24, 2011: Just do it Edition**