At least 2 bloggers have asked us not to comment on their sites anymore, but this one is extraordinary.
A couple of weeks ago we hosted the Festival of Stocks. The guy (assuming it’s a guy) who runs the On The Moneyed Midways blog roundup found the accompanying image offensive, and chided us accordingly on his site this week:
We have another case study in how not to host a blog carnival. The sad thing for us is that the host only did one thing wrong and aside from the one thing, we would consider the carnival to have been well done.
But that one thing completely wrecked it. And unfortunately, any and every casual reader who might click through to that blog carnival won’t be able to avoid running into it and asking “WTF?”, most likely in much more graphic language.
In this case, what that one thing is, is a photo that appears near the top of the blog carnival post. One that is, dare we say, completely out of context with the content of the blog carnival and therefore completely inappropriate. And that’s putting it mildly. If you must, here is a link from the obsolete Blog Carnival site where you can link to the blog carnival in question – we do not recommend clicking through to it and we refuse to link to it directly.
What makes it a sad thing is that for the first time ever in the history of OMM, we’re going to completely bypass considering any posts contributed to an otherwise well done carnival for inclusion in OMM. When we say we’re presenting the best posts we found among the best of the past week’s money and business-related blog carnivals, we mean it. This week, we discovered that means all it takes is just one thing to make us scratch an otherwise perfectly good blog carnival entirely from our consideration.
We apologize to the bloggers who submitted posts to the blog carnival in question. We know you had no control over the carnival host’s editorial choices and had very different expectations for how your contribution to the carnival would be presented. We regret that for one of you, the carnival host effectively sabotaged your post from any chance to benefit from the small, but increased exposure that your post might have enjoyed from being included in our weekly wrapup of the best posts we found in the week that was.
We also apologize to the blog carnival’s organizer, who also had no control over how this week’s edition of the blog carnival would be presented.
She’s fully clothed. The carnival’s owner, George at Fat Pitch Financials, didn’t say a thing. He’s the only one we would have changed the image for, anyway. None of the bloggers we featured seemed to have a problem with our image, either. Anyhow, you delicate, prissy fellow, we’ve attached an image this week that hopefully suits your tastes. Enjoy.