A Rebuttal

(To this, specifically.)


This man once wrote a blog post entitled “The Value of Personal Appearance.” No joke. 11/16/06.


Dear CYC,

I just read your “article” and boy I am steamed.
I am more steamed than the steam that powers my at-home micro-generator (Hey, thanks for asking! Did you know that a tea kettle, a steel hamster wheel and a small magnet can generate enough power to recharge a AA battery in only 7 days? So long, Big Electric!)

Back to the topic – I cannot believe what a waste that article was. I don’t mind the hour that I spent disecting it – as we know, time has no value – but after a few more hours crunching the numbers, I realized that you cost me $0.0012 of electricity for my computer monitor. Thankfully that is much less than most people would pay (Hey, thanks for asking! Did you know that if you set your monitor’s brightness to its lowest level, then light a few homemade candles, you can nearly make out the words – while saving almost $0.00001 per hour? So long, Big Computer!)

Even so, $0.0012 is no trifling matter and I demand reimbursement. I’m sending you a self-addressed stamped envelope and I expect a speedy response. Or less than speedy. Either way, really – after all, you can’t put a time value on money.

I know you may be tempted to ignore this message, but that would be unwise. Unfortunately this isn’t the first time someone of lesser status (and by that, I mean someone with fewer page hits) decided to attack me. So, I have my own lawyer, who I got for the low cost of $9/hour (Hey, thanks for asking! It turns out that if anyone knows how to negotiate for small change, it is that guy who lives between the 1-train grate and the 9th street dumpster. Even better – like most of the homeless folks in this city, he has a law degree from a “boutique” law school! So long, Big Law!). He’s already spent 28 hours on this case, so he is more than ready to take you to court unless I see that $0.0012 pronto!

OK, with that ranty-rant of my chest, I’m a bit more calm. But, I still think you need to learn a lesson. So, let’s turn the tables and see how you like a little razor-sharp satire:

Hi! I’m Control Your Cash. I talk about my fancy dinners paid for by the poor renters of my many properties. And I waste money on things like driving and showers that last more than 90 seconds. Plus I just buy gas wherever I feel like it, even if the station across town is .099¢ cheaper. I think people should buy things like rental properties and stocks and “assets” – which are really expensive, by the way – instead of safely stashing money in their hand-carved piggy banks. I wouldn’t know how to make my own toothpaste if my life depended on it, and I’ve never even HEARD of fecal reclamation. Yet I try to tell people how to handle their money. Funny, huh?

Worst of all, I am mean. Just plain mean. For example, I never, ever encourage people’s dreams of being the first in their family to obtain 7 degrees, or of completing the liberal art trifecta (English major, master of art history, and an unplanned pregnancy). And I make fun of those who pay down their smallest, lowest-interest loan first even though SCIENCE has proven that a debt snowball is the best way to make someone feel better about themselves.

And I just wrote an entire article mocking plus-sized people just because they like a little candy and pizza with their workout. And I wasn’t mocking them for buying corporate candy instead of making their own from tree sap and orange juice – that would actually make sense. No, I was mocking them for trying to get into shape while having a little fun and a lot of burritos. That is a judgment. And people don’t want to hear judgments or opinions on blogs – they want recipes for homemade bubble gum (Hey, thanks for asking! Did you know that the easiest way to make your own bubble gum is to boil 15 pieces of used bubble gum along with a dash of glue for 10 minutes? I didn’t know that because I’m not Trent, so can’t say So Long, Big Bubble!). Telling plus-sized people that they won’t get in shape by drinking a Frappuccino while watching other people exercise hurts their feelings.

But I don’t care about that, because I have no feelings. Which is a shame, because that is what money is all about – feelings. But I wouldn’t know that, because I’m not Trent. I am CYC.

See, it doesn’t feel so good, does it?

Unless you want more of that, perhaps you should go pick on someone in your own league, like that uppity lady at AffordAnything.com. I have better things to do than keep talking to you.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go hand pick the grass on my front lawn (Hey, glad you asked! Did you know that a gas-powered motor costs almost $0.30 per mowing? Even a goat costs almost $0.15, and the composting benefit they provide is worth at most $0.05. Meanwhile, I can do the job for free while getting the same $0.05 composting benefit. So long, Big John Deere!)



(Note: Guest contributor Pseudo-Trent is an international vice president with a famous multinational firm who has way too much time on his hands. Follow him on Twitter @DubaiAtNight.)

Financial Retard of the Month: The Simple Dollar Does It Again

This picture will make perfect sense in our next expose


He’s making it too easy for us. That self-important oracle, Trent Hamm of The Simple Dollar, created another fictitious mailbag out of the myriad emails he receives. Or as he puts it on his main page:

I do receive hundreds of questions per week,

Or as he put it a few weeks ago,

I’ll go very quickly through the thousands (yes, I do mean thousands) of emails built up during the week 

In this feature we’re not just going to make fun of the dull or pointless things he says, because if we did there’d be no room for anything else. Instead, we’re going to focus strictly on the dumb and the false. Here’s an email Trent recently concocted received:

I’ve read that you shouldn’t pay more than 25% of your monthly take-home pay for housing costs.

Background info: I have an emergency fund of $7,000, I have no debt, I am 26, female, and I currently rent (living alone), paying $860/month for a one-bedroom apartment.

We’re not sure why “her” sex is relevant, or why “she” mentioned it at all, especially since “she” signed off with a woman’s name. Anyhow, “she” also gives some other information about her finances, and as women and Trent do, takes 4 paragraphs to get to the point: wanting to know if she should rent or buy a place to live.

Trent’s sage advice includes:

From my perspective, if you’re putting much more than 25% of your income toward your housing, you’re starting to put yourself in a risky situation.

No way! “Lauren” repeated a piece of folkloric homespun wisdom, and Trent seconded it exactly! Kind of like the time Control Your Cash ran a question from the woman who’d heard that male personal finance bloggers are extremely well-endowed, and wanted confirmation.

Anyhow, Trent recommends that “Lauren”

get a mortgage quote, then run some calculations on it. 

Really? So if a person wants to choose between items A and B, and knows how much A costs, you believe she should determine how much B costs before she proceeds?

We can’t argue as to whether Trent or “Lauren” is the bigger imbecile, since they’re the same person. However, we can have a legitimate debate as to whether Trent/”Lauren” or Trent’s average reader is stupider. Anyone who finds any of the advice in Trent’s mailbag to be actionable is clearly forgetting to exhale once in a while.

He’s not done. Here’s the next (and final) line, with nothing omitted:

The housing market is depressed enough right now that I would not look at a home as an investment in the short term.

YES, BECAUSE WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO BUY WHEN PRICES ARE LOW? Does his helper monkey even proofread this stuff for logical coherence before pressing “Publish”?

How about loosening another belt notch on your husky Today’s Man slacks and writing something that makes sense? Don’t worry, we’ll do it for you:

The housing market is depressed enough right now, and mortgage rates similarly low, that there will never be a better time to buy a house. Or houses. A passive income stream will do more for your bottom line than all of my penny-shaving recommendations combined.

In any other blogger’s mailbag, that’d be the most laughable response of the week. But this is Trent Hamm, proprietor of The Simple Dollar. He probes depths that the bathyscaphe Trieste wouldn’t plunge to:

My 75 year old mother is in mediocre health. She’s losing the place she’s living in and needs to move in the new year.

I will be earning a big chunk of money in the first part of the new year and would like to buy a home for her to live in…

Pretty straightforward, right? Well, it’s straightforward if you edit out all the irrelevant details that Trent puts in to make the “reader” sound more human. This one’s another female, by the way. Why any woman would seek his advice after he told the entire distaff half of the species to swim in their underwear, we have no idea. Anyhow, he tells “Sheila” not to worry because time is on her side:

I would rent an apartment for her. If her health is slipping, it’s likely that the period of time you would rent would be limited.

We’ll get to the obvious objection in a second, but is Trent’s reading comprehension so awful that he can’t remember what his own blog said just a few lines earlier? “Mediocre” means average. It’s static, and doesn’t imply a direction. Trent took it to mean “slipping”, which makes us wonder exactly where he graduated among the cab drivers and slaughterhouse workers in his ESL class.

And oh yeah, he just told a reader that a great way to save on housing expenses is to wait for your mother’s imminent death.

We’ll ask this now, before the inanity of The Simple Dollar becomes a weekly feature: is this all an intricate joke, and we’re the patsies? If you were a resourceful online comedian who wanted to create a parody of an everyman dispensing financial advice, wouldn’t you give him a forgettable work history, a green golf shirt, 2.3 kids and a home in Nowhere, Iowa? No real person can be this earnest, this humorless, this insipid, this cheap, and this consistent about it.  Here, read an entertaining mailbag instead.

Trent Hamm, (Financial) Retard Emeritus



He’s in a completely different realm now. America’s Greatest Miser has done for cheapness what Michael Jordan did for playing above the rim. In a world of 2-handed set shooters, Trent Hamm’s thrift game consists of nothing but reverse windmill dunks, no-look passes and swishes from beyond the arc. The rest of us can only sit back in awe, because he’s playing a game we’ll never be familiar with.

He makes his own Play-Doh (3¢ worth of vegetable oil, 7¢ worth of cream of tartar, and you know we’re not joking.) The Christian Science Monitor has picked up Trent as a guest blogger, and his biography alone is enough to make a lion wince in pain:

The Simple Dollar is a blog for those of us who need both cents and sense

You know why the Roman Empire crumbled? Because whoever invented Latin was too lazy to come up with heteronymous words for “to feel” (sentire) and “100” (cent). The first English speaker who made the “cents/sense” pun should have been executed by elephant. Trent is the 30 billionth, and for what? So he can brag to his readers about his – wait for it – “cents” of humor?

He’s at least right in that The Simple Dollar is for those of us who need cents. Including its author. You wonder what unheated tarpaper shack he lives in that he counts the toilet paper squares he uses (9 per wipe.)

You don’t need to read the link – it’ll only encourage him – but Trent embarked on a rare moment of glee when he mentioned that his 3-year-old son and defecation partner (don’t ask) uses only 1 square.

Your humble blogger is mercifully childless, but is fairly sure that when a kid declares that he used only a singleton square for cleanup, any parent with a brain in his head would take that as a negative, not a positive. There’s a happy compromise between half a roll and a solitary piece, and that number is still far closer to the latter than the former.

A 24-pack costs $18 at Target (unlike Trent, we’re not going to go out of our way to comparison shop. Target was nearby.) That’s 75¢ per 1000-sheet roll. Trent expressed regret at his own profligacy, burning an entire .6¢ per session more than his even more budget-conscious son does.

We had to turn on a light to take this photo, easily wasting .0003¢


Again, not a parent. But if you don’t think 3/5 of a penny is a bargain for ensuring that both orifice and digit remain clean, your children need to be apprehended and left in the desert to be raised by scorpions. From the same post:

Whenever I went to use something of varying quantity – salt, toothpaste, pepper, salsa – I strove to try to figure out the minimum amount that I could use and still get full enjoyment and utility out of the situation.

(Editor’s note: WHY? What the hell for? Doesn’t every human do this instinctively, so much so that the idea of consciously doing it sounds crazy [because it is]? Who cooks their eggs in the morning, pours on a pint of salsa and says, “Why do I keep doing this every day? I really don’t think I’m getting full enjoyment and utility out of the situation. Maybe I should cut back to a cup, see where that takes me.”) Trent continues:

Take pepper, for starters. I will put a large dose of pepper almost reflexively on anything I eat that isn’t sweet. The pepper grinder is a mainstay on our kitchen table.

Instead of simply grinding away over the soup we had for lunch, though, I tasted it first, added just two grinds of pepper, stirred, tried it again, and found that I liked the taste. Ordinarily, I would have just ground twelve or fourteen times without thinking about it.

If you find value in that discovery, well, we’re impressed you can still breathe. Right now your lungs should be saying to each other, “I’m trying to communicate with the brain, but there’s a big ‘No Visitors’ sign hanging at the stem. How about you? Any luck?”

So Trent discovered that he prefers lightly peppered food to heavily peppered food. It’s not quite “Darth Vader turned out to be Luke’s father”, but as far as The Simple Dollar climaxes go, it’s a hard and heavy one. Of course, there’s nothing Trent can’t turn into a paean to his 2nd-favorite topic, oral hygiene:

What about toothpaste? I usually put a big glob on the brush without thinking about it too much. Instead, I put just a tiny bit on my brush, spread it over the bristles, and started brushing. Almost immediately, I had a nice bit of foam in my mouth and my teeth felt wonderfully clean afterwards.

Where does this leave the critic? We can’t write “Wow, what a breakthrough! A small dollop of toothpaste serves to clean Trent’s teeth no worse than a ‘big glob’ does,” because we already made a parallel comment regarding his pepper discovery. Repetition is Trent’s forte, not ours.

Look at the key phrase above, I usually put a big glob on the brush without thinking about it too much. 

You’re not supposed to think about it too much. The idea of forming a habit is that you don’t think about it at all. The average person Trent’s age has probably brushed his teeth 30,000 times. At that point, shouldn’t you have already figured out what works, and let your subconscious handle it?

Instead of buying baby wipes, he cuts and sews flannel squares and dunks them in soap. Instead of buying his kids craft supplies, he goes to his local newspaper’s offices and buys rolls of unused newsprint (which he then admits to using some of as wrapping paper for gifts.) He bakes his own crayons out of crayon nubs.

The melting point of crayon wax seems to be around 130 to 150 F depending on the color

If you think he’s being ironic, you don’t know our hero. Again, he’s not doing this for the sake of ingenuity. He’s doing it to save infinitesimal slivers of farthings. Peasant women in India, whose time is utterly worthless, will spend a couple of rupees on manufactured soap. But Trent makes his own.

None of these activities demand a huge amount of time, but they require mental bandwidth that could otherwise be devoted to higher-level thoughts. Instead of being preoccupied by questions like “How can I expand my website?,” he’s thinking, “Remember to scour garage sales for a silicon mold, a half-used box of baking soda and some peppermint drops.”

He’s too cheap to buy toys, or waste a few pennies filling up the Prius (it sounds too perfect, but he really does drive a Prius) to get free toys from The Salvation Army, so he gives his kids kitchen implements to play with. Excluding the serrated knives and meat thermometers, unfortunately.

Our latest hypothesis? The wife and children (never “kids”, because that vulgarism didn’t exist in the 1800s patois in which Trent writes) that he regularly speaks of don’t exist. It’s inconceivable that some woman stands there and nods approvingly as her loved one plays video games (“I don’t play video games that much at this point in my life because, frankly, I don’t have very much time for them. I perhaps play for four or five hours a week”), recycles dental floss, figures out how long he can leave the oven light on before it costs him a penny, and tells women that they can save money by swimming in their underwear. (Zero hyperbole, all real. Search his archives at your peril.) Trent Hamm is the Antichrist and must be stopped.